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[英]How can I check if an array of strings is empty in MongoDB with java?

Imagine I have a DB with documents with the format:想象一下,我有一个包含以下格式文档的数据库:

  "id": "12345",
  "address": ["adress1","adress2","adress3"]


Now imagining that can be cases where one id has no addresses现在想象这可能是一个 id 没有地址的情况

  "id": "12346",
  "address": [""]


I have tried, after query the DB and get the document of the id I want, .isEmpty(), but it returns false.我试过,在查询数据库并获取我想要的 id 的文档后,.isEmpty(),但它返回 false。

Can this be done using MongoDB?这可以使用 MongoDB 完成吗?

If you have to deal with blank addresses ( "address": [""] is different than "address": [] which is different than "address": null which is different than not setting the address field at all, then you have to query like thisL如果您必须处理空白地址( "address": [""]"address": []不同,而"address": null与根本不设置address字段不同,那么您有像这样查询L

{$addFields: {X: {$reduce: {
                input: "$address",
                initialValue: 0,
                in: {$sum: [ "$$value", {"$cond":[ {"$ne": ["$$this",""]}, 1, 0]} \
,{$match: {"X": {$gt:0} }}

We use the $reduce function to "walk" the address array and check each item to see if it is not a blank string.我们使用$reduce函数来“遍历” address数组并检查每个项目以查看它是否不是空字符串。 If not blank, we increment the $$value field which at the end is assigned to new field X .如果不是空白,我们增加$$value字段,最后分配给新字段X If the array is not present or contains only blank addresses (one or more) then X will be zero and we filter those out with the subsequent $match .如果数组不存在或只包含空白地址(一个或多个),那么X将为零,我们用后续的$match过滤掉那些。

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