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Google Adwords/广告 AdGroupAdService

[英]Google Adwords/Ads AdGroupAdService

I was wondering, if I add and delete some ads with the service AdGroupAdService, using the method mutate, If It returns me some errors ( not in all the operations i want to upload ), does it perfom correctly the others operations?我想知道,如果我使用 mutate 方法使用 AdGroupAdService 服务添加和删除一些广告,如果它返回一些错误(不是在我要上传的所有操作中),它是否正确执行其他操作? My initial guess was it does, but after a few checks, it does not.我最初的猜测是,但经过几次检查后,事实并非如此。 So Am I missing something?那我错过了什么吗?

Thank you so much for your help非常感谢你的帮助

That is a feature known as partial failure.这是一种称为部分故障的功能。 If you set it to true within your SOAP header, then the program will run the operations that have no errors correctly.如果您在 SOAP 标头中将其设置为 true,则程序将正确运行没有错误的操作。 If it is not set to true, then the whole program will fail if any operation has an error.如果不设置为true,那么任何一个操作出错,整个程序都会失败。

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