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drupal 8上下文过滤器

[英]drupal 8 contextual filter

I have 2 content types "lab" and "member". 我有2种内容类型“实验室”和“成员”。 When I display "lab" data, I want to display "member" from this lab. 当我显示“实验室”数据时,我想显示此实验室中的“成员”。

I defined a contextual filter in a display "entity reference list" of a view, which run in preview. 我在视图的显示“实体引用列表”中定义了上下文过滤器,该过滤器在预览中运行。

I defined a reference field in "lab", which "reference method" is the above "entity reference list". 我在“实验室”中定义了一个参考字段,该“参考方法”是上面的“实体参考列表”。 But about the views arguments which have to passed to the views? 但是关于必须传递给视图的视图参数呢?

Regards, E. Cocquebert 此致,E. Cocquebert

I succedded to have what I wanted. 我成功拥有了我想要的东西。

It was not a "entity reference" display but a "block" display. 它不是“实体引用”显示,而是“阻止”显示。

"entity reference" is to help to fill the form display “实体参考”是为了帮助填写表格显示

"block" is to display result of the contextual filter when display a specific node (in my case). “块”是在显示特定节点时显示上下文过滤器的结果(在我的情况下)。

Regards, E. Cocquebert 此致,E. Cocquebert

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