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[英]How to inject Enums in TypeScript?

How to inject Enums in TypeScript? 如何在TypeScript中注入枚举? Is this possible and recommended? 这可能并建议吗?

enums.ts: 枚举:

export enum Environment {
    Development = 'Development',
    Production = 'Production',
    Test = 'Test'

file: 文件:

import { Environment as _Environment } from '../enums';
function myfunc(Environment: Environment = _Environment): void {}

I get: 我得到:

application/libs/config/index.ts:23:18 - error TS2749: 'Environment' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here.

23     Environment: Environment = _Environment

This works fine 这很好

function myfunc(Environment: _Environment): void {}

However, if you want to utilize default parameters you can try something like this 但是,如果要使用默认参数,可以尝试执行以下操作

function myfunc(Environment: _Environment = _Environment.Development): void {}

Enum is kind of union/variant type. 枚举是一种并集/变量类型。 It means that it defines group of possible values, but is not a value itself. 这意味着它定义了一组可能的值,但本身不是值。 Your function has an argument of type Environment , and it means that you can assign one of possible value existing in the enum Enviroment , but not Enum itself as you try to do, as Enviroment itself is not a value but a type. 您的函数的参数类型为Environment ,这意味着您可以分配枚举Enviroment存在的可能值之一,但不能像尝试那样分配Enum本身,因为Enviroment本身不是值而是一种类型。

function myfunc(Environment: Environment = _Environment.Production ): void {}

As you can see I am choosing arbitrarily one from possible values in the Enum. 如您所见,我正在从Enum中的可能值中任意选择一个。

You can look on Enums like on unions with static structural representation . 您可以像使用具有静态结构表示的联合一样查看Enums。 It means that: 代表着:

type T = 'a' | 'b';
enum TEnum {
  a = 'a'
  b = 'b'

// using
const a: T = 'a' // direct setting the value
const b: TEnum = TEnum.b // using existing enum structure to set the value

This is how you would do it. 这就是您要做的。 Default envoronment being Development. 默认环境为开发中。

export enum Environment {
    Development = 'Development',
    Production = 'Production',
    Test = 'Test'

function myfunc(e: Environment = Environment.Development): void {}

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