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有没有办法避免将 DCU 链接到 BPL?

[英]Is there a way to avoid linking DCUs to a BPL?

We are using packages to split our code base into smaller pieces, but always deploy as a single monolitic executable.我们正在使用包将我们的代码库拆分成更小的部分,但始终部署为单个整体可执行文件。

When compiling the packages the units in a package project are linked together into.dcp and.bpl files and finally they are linked again into the executable (.exe).编译包时,包项目中的单元链接在一起成为.dcp 和.bpl 文件,最后它们再次链接到可执行文件(.exe) 中。

This is is a bit of a time waster, I'd like Delphi to only compile the DCUs and not link them into packages.这有点浪费时间,我希望 Delphi 只编译 DCU 而不是将它们链接到包中。


Is it possible to turn off linking for packages and only link in the final executable?是否可以关闭包的链接并只链接最终的可执行文件?

fastdcc in IDE Fix Pack from Andreas Hausladen has a switch that does exactly this:来自 Andreas fastdcc的 IDE Fix Pack 中的 fastdcc 有一个开关可以做到这一点:

-x--compileonly -x--只编译

Output intermediate files, skip linking.输出中间文件,跳过链接。 1: Output only DCU and DCP. 1:只输出DCU 和DCP。 2: Output only DCU. 2:仅输出DCU。

https://www.idefixpack.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack/ https://www.idefixpack.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack/

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