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[英]Javascript Alternate functions run onclick

So I have this speech to text typing feature that is triggered upon pressing a microphone icon. 因此,我具有语音输入文本功能,该功能是在按下麦克风图标时触发的。 The feature works. 该功能有效。 My problem is that I want the same icon to do 2 things. 我的问题是我希望同一图标执行2项操作。 1st click it will start hearing for voice. 第一次单击它将开始听到声音。 2nd click will stop hearing for voice. 第二次单击将停止听到声音。 I basically want the function onclick to alternate between 2 functions, Start and Stop. 我基本上希望功能onclick在两个功能之间交替,即开始和停止。 How do I do it? 我该怎么做?

Below is what I got currently. 以下是我目前得到的。 That only works to START the recording How do I fit recognition.stop() into the same click function? 那仅对开始录制有效。如何将recognition.stop()放入同一单击函数?

$('#micButton').on('click', function () {
    recognition.start(); //this is to start recording

Below this is what I thought would work (it doesn't), to alternate between start and stop. 在此之下,我认为可以在开始和停止之间进行切换(不起作用)。

    function () {
    function () {

To summarise, how do I get my onclick to alternate between start and stop? 总而言之,如何让我的onclick在开始和停止之间切换?

You'll need a flag of some sort to check to see if voice is currently being listened for: 您将需要某种标记来检查当前是否正在收听语音:

let currentlyListening = false;
$('#micButton').on('click', function () {
  if (!currentlyListening) {
    recognition.start(); //this is to start recording
  } else {
  currentlyListening = !currentlyListening;

It'd probably be good to also provide an indicator to the user the current state as well, if recognition doesn't already do that - eg, change or add an image that shows a red dot while currentlyListening is true . 如果recognition还没有做到,最好也向用户提供当前状态的指示符,例如,更改或添加在currentlyListeningtrue时显示红点的图像。

Could set a data tag or a class to determine if it's being used or not. 可以设置数据标签或类来确定是否正在使用它。

$('#micButton').on('click', function () {
    if($(this).data('active') == false) {
        $(this).data('active', true);
    } else {
        $(this).data('active', false);

Ternary operator can be used as well!) 也可以使用三元运算符!)

$('#micButton').on('click', function () {
  recognition[ this.listening ? "stop" : "start" ]();

  this.listening = !this.listening;

Nearly the same thing, as @CertainPerformance answer, but storing the true / false flag in the clicked element object. 与@CertainPerformance答案几乎相同,但是将true / false标志存储在单击的元素对象中。

First click: this.listening == undefined (false) , → recognition.start(); 第一次单击: this.listening == undefined (false) ,→ognition.start();

Second click: this.listening == true , → recognition.stop(); 第二次单击: this.listening == true ,→识别this.listening == true ();

And so on. 等等。

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