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[英]How to remove class of a tag when other button are clicked

The html code is: html代码是:

<div style="border:1px solid black;border-radius:10px;padding:3px;">
    <a id="tblBtn" status="10" data-id="1" href="#" class="btn btn-default">10</a>
    <a id="tblBtn" status="2" data-id="2" href="#" class="btn btn-default">2</a>
    <a id="tblBtn" status="1" data-id="3" href="#" class="btn btn-default">1</a>
    <a id="tblBtn" status="3" data-id="4" href="#" class="btn btn-default">3</a>
    <a id="tblBtn" status="12" data-id="5" href="#" class="btn btn-default">12</a>

And the js is: 而js是:

$("body div#tablesAvailable div a").click(function () {
    var attrClass = $(this).attr("class");

    if (attrClass == "btn btn-primary") {
        $(this).attr("class", "btn btn-default");
        $("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:");
    if (attrClass == "btn btn-default") {
        newno = $(this).html();
        $("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:" + newno);//replaceWith("<label id='lblTableNo'>Table No:" + newno + "</label>");
        $(this).attr("class", "btn btn-primary");

I only need class primary of button which is clicked and remove class primary of previously clicked classes but the code is working for double click of button only. 我只需要单击的按钮的主类,并删除先前单击的类的主类,但是代码仅适用于双击按钮。

Your logic is much more complicated than necessary, I presume because you're trying to work around the issue with dynamically changing the class at runtime means the selectors stop working. 我想您的逻辑比必要的要复杂得多,因为您正试图通过在运行时动态更改class来解决问题,即选择器停止工作。 A much better way to achieve that is to use a delegated event handler. 一种更好的方法是使用委托事件处理程序。

Then you can split the events on the buttons by class. 然后,您可以按类别拆分按钮上的事件。 You can also use toggleClass() to amend the classes, and you can target the existing .btn-primary elements to remove that class when another is clicked. 您还可以使用toggleClass()修改类,并且可以将现有的.btn-primary元素作为目标,以在单击另一个类时将其删除。

Also note that id attributes must be unique. 另请注意, id属性必须是唯一的。 If you need to group elements by behaviour, use a class . 如果需要按行为对元素进行分组,请使用class I removed the id in the example below as it's irrelevant. 我在下面的示例中删除了该id ,因为它无关紧要。 In addition, status is not a valid attribute for an a element and would mean your HTML is invalid. 此外, status是不是一个有效的属性a元素,将意味着你的HTML是无效的。 If you want to store metadata in an element, use a data attribute, exactly as you are for data-id . 如果要将元数据存储在元素中,请使用data属性,就像使用data-id Lastly, put CSS in an external stylesheet, not inline. 最后,将CSS放在外部样式表中,而不是内联。

With all that said, try this: 话虽如此,请尝试以下操作:

 $('div').on('click', 'a.btn-primary', function() { $(this).toggleClass('btn-primary btn-default'); $("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:"); }); $('div').on('click', 'a.btn-default', function() { $('a.btn-primary').add(this).toggleClass('btn-primary btn-default'); $("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:" + $(this).html()); }); 
 .btn-container { border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 10px; padding: 3px; } .btn { margin: 5px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #888; display: inline-block; border-radius: 10px; min-width: 20px; text-align: center; background-color: #CCC; text-decoration: none; } .btn-primary { color: #EEE; background-color: #C00; border-color: #C00; } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="btn-container"> <a data-status="10" data-id="1" href="#" class="btn btn-default">10</a> <a data-status="2" data-id="2" href="#" class="btn btn-default">2</a> <a data-status="1" data-id="3" href="#" class="btn btn-default">1</a> <a data-status="3" data-id="4" href="#" class="btn btn-default">3</a> <a data-status="12" data-id="5" href="#" class="btn btn-default">12</a> </div> <div id="lblTableNo"></div> 

You can't have duplicate ids so try using common class name If you are just trying to toggle the class btn-primary . 您不能有重复的ID,因此,如果您只是想切换btn-primary类,请尝试使用公共类名。 Try this solution 试试这个解决方案

 $("a.btn-default").off().on('click', function() { $("a.btn-default").removeClass('btn-primary'); $(this).addClass('btn-primary'); }); 
 .btn-primary { color: green; } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div style="border:1px solid black;border-radius:10px;padding:3px;"> <a status="10" data-id="1" href="#" class="btn btn-default">10</a> <a status="2" data-id="2" href="#" class="btn btn-default">2</a> <a status="1" data-id="3" href="#" class="btn btn-default">1</a> <a status="3" data-id="4" href="#" class="btn btn-default">3</a> <a status="12" data-id="5" href="#" class="btn btn-default">12</a> </div> 

I haven't mentioned your other codes such as $("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:"); 我没有提到您的其他代码,例如$("#lblTableNo").html("Table No:"); because I don't have any idea exactly what you're trying to do 因为我不知道你到底想做什么

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