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不清楚为什么在尝试将 JSON 功能添加到数组时会得到奇怪的结果

[英]Unclear why I'm getting a strange result when trying to add JSON features to an array

I'm working on a function in leaflet that changes the style weight of the most recent object in a JSON response.我正在处理传单中的一个函数,该函数更改 JSON 响应中最新对象的样式weight That's beside the point though, because I can't properly get the JSON objects into an array.不过,这不是重点,因为我无法正确地将 JSON 对象放入数组中。

When I run console.log(dates) in order to see if they were pushed to the dates array I return this in the console.当我运行console.log(dates)以查看它们是否被推送到dates数组时,我在控制台中返回它。 A bunch of empty arrays, amounting to the number of dates in the JSON response.一堆空数组,相当于 JSON 响应中的日期数。


When I run console.log(time) to ensure I am in fact reaching the correct json feature I receive the dates (epoch format) as expected, but can not understand why they will not be pushed into the array dates .当我运行console.log(time) ,以确保我其实到达正确的JSON功能,我收到预期的日期(纪元格式),但不明白为什么他们不会推入阵dates Any ideas?有任何想法吗?



//most recent earthquake identifer

function mostRecent(time) {
    var dates=[];
    for (var i = 0; i < time.length; i++) {
return true

Javascript Javascript

// adds geojson feed of earthquakes from USGS url (must create a function to layer it on leaflet)

$.getJSON('https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.geojson', function(earthQuakes) {
    var points = L.geoJSON(earthQuakes, {
        filter: eqFilter,
        onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {  // binds data in geosjon to a popup
            var eqDate = new Date(feature.properties.time); // converts epoch date
                '<b>Location: </b>' + feature.properties.place + '<br>' +
                '<b>Magnitude: </b>' + feature.properties.mag + '<br>' +
                '<b>Depth: </b>' + feature.geometry.coordinates[2] + 'km' + '<br>' +
                '<b>Time: </b>' + eqDate.toGMTString() + '<br>' +
                '<br><center><a href=' + feature.properties.url + '>USGS Details</a></center>',
        pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng){  // changes default icons to circles and styles accordingly
            return new L.CircleMarker(latlng, {
                radius: circleSize(feature.properties.mag),
                fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.mag),
                color: "#000",
                weight: mostRecent(feature.properties.time),
                opacity: 1,
                fillOpacity: 0.5,

    map.fitBounds(points.getBounds()); // pans to points

Make the dates variable a global variable.使dates变量成为全局变量。 You're actually resetting the dates array on every function call.您实际上是在每次函数调用时重置dates数组。 Refactor it to something like this将它重构为这样的东西

var dates = [];

function mostRecent(time) {
  return true

It should be working.它应该工作。

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