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当我们使用 this.props.history.push("/next Component") 移动到下一个组件时,我们可以传递一个值吗?

[英]can we pass a value when we move to next component using this.props.history.push("/next Component")?

I want to send Task_id to the ShowRecommendation.js component我想将Task_id发送到ShowRecommendation.js组件

  recommend = Task_id => {

How it can be done?怎么做?

With react-router you can transfer "state"使用 react-router,您可以传输“状态”

  pathname: '/ShowRecommendation',
  state: { taskid: Task_id }

and at the ShowRecommendation.js componenet you can get the value using在 ShowRecommendation.js 组件中,您可以使用以下方法获取值


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