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[英]How to find docker container by ip?

I got an container ip but do not know which it is, which should be one of dozens containers.我得到了一个容器ip,但不知道是哪个,应该是几十个容器中的一个。 So, what the fastest way to find it out?那么,找到它的最快方法是什么?

Thanks all.谢谢大家。

try this:试试这个:

echo $(docker ps -a -q) | xargs docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}  {{.Id}}' | grep MY_IP


MY_IP  fe82613520e138039924f979899bc46a40312687361a98b9a670273a0340f48c

I see you have tagged your question with Kubernetes, so I am assuming you are using that.我看到你用 Kubernetes 标记了你的问题,所以我假设你正在使用它。

Here is how to get container(s) by IP address in k8s:以下是在 k8s 中通过 IP 地址获取容器的方法:

kubectl get pod -ojsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{" "}{@.status.podIP}{"\n"}' | grep # <==== Your IP
docker inspect  --format={{.Id}}-{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} $(docker ps -aq)|grep $IP

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