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如何在 SwiftUI 中实现触发 switch case 的左或右 DragGesture()?

[英]How to implement a left or right DragGesture() that trigger a switch case in SwiftUI?

I have created a DragGesture in a View that should select a @State(Bool) whether the user swipe left or right.我在视图中创建了一个 DragGesture,无论用户向左滑动还是向右滑动,它都应该选择一个 @State(Bool)。

The thing is that only swiping right is detected.问题是只检测到向右滑动。

How to use .gesture() to capture whether a user is swiping left or right on his screen?如何使用 .gesture() 来捕捉用户是在他的屏幕上向左还是向右滑动?

import SwiftUI

struct SwiftUIView: View {

  //MARK: Value to change on swipe gesture
  @State var swipeRight: Bool

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      //MARK: Value displayed after user swiped
      Text($swipeRight ? "Right" : "Left")
        .onChanged { (value) in
          //MARK: What is it missing here?
          switch value.location.x {
          case ...(-0.5):
            self.swipeRight = false
            print("Swipe Left return false")
          case 0.5...:
            self.swipeRight = true
            print("Swipe Right return true")
          default: ()

Swift 5, iOS 13斯威夫特 5,iOS 13

An improved version presented by [Mojtaba Hosseini ][1] here. [Mojtaba Hosseini][1] 提出的改进版本在这里。

[1]: https://stackoverflow.com/users/5623035/mojtaba-hosseini . [1]: https : //stackoverflow.com/users/5623035/mojtaba-hosseini Place the enum and function before the body of ContentView.将枚举和函数放在 ContentView 的主体之前。

enum SwipeHVDirection: String {
    case left, right, up, down, none

func detectDirection(value: DragGesture.Value) -> SwipeHVDirection {
if value.startLocation.x < value.location.x - 24 {
            return .left
          if value.startLocation.x > value.location.x + 24 {
            return .right
          if value.startLocation.y < value.location.y - 24 {
            return .down
          if value.startLocation.y > value.location.y + 24 {
            return .up
  return .none

... ...

With it called inside a DragGesture.在 DragGesture 中调用它。 Calling it on onEnded to stop it firing multiple times.在 onEnded 上调用它以阻止它多次触发。

        .onEnded { value in
        print("value ",value.translation.width)
          let direction = self.detectDirection(value: value)
          if direction == .left {
            // your code here

Obviously you need/can add other directions as needed...显然你需要/可以根据需要添加其他方向......

You should compare old and new locations instead:您应该比较旧位置和新位置:

if value.startLocation.x > value.location.x {
    print("Swipe Left")
} else {
    print("Swipe Right")

So the refactored version of your code would be:因此,您的代码的重构版本将是:

struct ContentView: View {
    enum SwipeHorizontalDirection: String {
        case left, right, none

    @State var swipeHorizontalDirection: SwipeHorizontalDirection = .none { didSet { print(swipeHorizontalDirection) } }

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .onChanged {
                    if $0.startLocation.x > $0.location.x {
                        self.swipeHorizontalDirection = .left
                    } else if $0.startLocation.x == $0.location.x {
                        self.swipeHorizontalDirection = .none
                    } else {
                        self.swipeHorizontalDirection = .right

I think the directions above were inverted?我认为上面的方向是颠倒的? Or I'm misunderstanding swipe left and right.或者我误解了左右滑动。 Anyway, here's a further refinement using view modifiers.无论如何,这是使用视图修饰符的进一步改进。 You can just at .onSwipe { direction in ... } to your views.你可以在 .onSwipe { direction in ... } 到你的观点。

struct SwipeModifier: ViewModifier {
    let action: ((UISwipeGestureRecognizer.Direction) -> Void)?

    init(perform action: ((UISwipeGestureRecognizer.Direction) -> Void)? = nil) {
        self.action = action
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 24.0, coordinateSpace: .local)
                        .onEnded { value in
                            guard let action = action else {
                            if value.startLocation.x > value.location.x {
                            } else if value.startLocation.x < value.location.x {
                            } else if value.startLocation.y > value.location.y {
                            } else if value.startLocation.y < value.location.y {

extension View {
    public func onSwipe(perform action: ((UISwipeGestureRecognizer.Direction) -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
        return self.modifier(SwipeModifier(perform: action))

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