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[英]Assign a new value based on other column's value

So I have a dataframe Fruit that have structure look like this所以我有一个结构看起来像这样的数据框 Fruit

Fruit Sales
Apple 1000
Pear  2000
Peach  400
Banana 200

I want to create a new column 'Tag' that assigns value 'Others' to the fruit with sales below rank 10 (sort by sales in descending order), for fruit above(including) rank 10, assign their fruit name to the 'Tag'.我想创建一个新列“标签”,为销售额低于 10 级的水果分配值“其他”(按销售额降序排序),对于高于(包括)10 级的水果,将其水果名称分配给“标签” '。 So it should look like this assuming Peach and Banana are below sales rank 10.因此,假设 Peach 和 Banana 低于销售排名 10,它应该看起来像这样。

Fruit Sales  Tag
Apple 1000   Apple
Pear  2000   Pear
Peach  400   Others
Banana 200   Others

First, I sort the Fruit dataframe first by sales volume and take the first 10 records:首先,我首先按销量对 Fruit 数据框进行排序,并取前 10 条记录:

Top_fruit = Fruit.sort_values(by='Sales',ascending = False)[:10]

Second, I create a Fruit_test dataframe with 'Tag' field added to process the loc function to find the Fruit that's not in the top 10 rank list (ie, Top_fruit) and assign 'Others' to the Tag field.其次,我创建了一个 Fruit_test 数据框,其中添加了“Tag”字段以处理 loc 函数以查找不在前 10 名排名列表中的 Fruit(即 Top_fruit),并将“Others”分配给 Tag 字段。

Fruit_test = Fruit.copy()
Fruit_test['Tag'] =Fruit['Fruit']
Fruit_test.loc[~Fruit_test['Fruit'].isin((Top_fruit)),'Tag'] = 'Others'

However, I keep getting Keyerror: Fruit.但是,我不断收到 Keyerror: Fruit。 Did I do something wrong?我做错什么了吗?

You can do it with just one line of code:您只需一行代码即可完成:

df['Tag'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['Fruit'] if row['Sales'] > 10 else 'Other', axis=1)

Test it:测试一下:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
    [['Apple', 1000], ['Pear', 2000], ['Peach', 8], ['Banana', 5]],
    columns=['Fruit', 'Sales'])

print(df, '\n\n------------\n')

df['Tag'] = df.apply(
    lambda row: row['Fruit'] if row['Sales'] > 10 else 'Other', axis=1)



    Fruit  Sales
0   Apple   1000
1    Pear   2000
2   Peach      8
3  Banana      5 


    Fruit  Sales    Tag
0   Apple   1000  Apple
1    Pear   2000   Pear
2   Peach      8  Other
3  Banana      5  Other

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