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我想在 arrayformula 中使用这个查询

[英]I want to use this query in an arrayformula

=iferror(QUERY(importorders!A:H,“Select count(A) where C = ‘Thailand Tour’ and month(H) = “&MONTH(A3)-1&“and year(H) = “&year(A3)&” label count(A) ‘’“,1),0)

It's basically just counting to see how many orders I had in each month.基本上只是计算我每个月有多少订单。

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Of6cdFYaOzCFwPdZ4ABItD6dghMjHhafRWmDJWaznbg/edit#gid=711075203 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Of6cdFYaOzCFwPdZ4ABItD6dghMjHhafRWmDJWaznbg/edit#gid=711075203


use this in B3 cell:B3单元格中使用它:

 EOMONTH(importorders!H2:H, -1)+1},
 "select Col4,count(Col1) 
  where Col3 = 'Thailand Tour' 
    and Col4 is not null 
  group by Col4
  label count(Col1)''", 0), 2, 0), 0))



=query(A2:H,"select Year(H), Month(H)+1, C, Count(H) where C is not null and C like 'Thailand%' group by Year(H), Month(H)+1,C label C'Tour',Year(H)'Year',Month(H)+1'Month'")

This data applied to a pivot table might provide a more digestible analysis.应用于数据透视表的此数据可能会提供更易于理解的分析。

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