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[英]Index out of bound of the array

i have this two methods to look for an object in a list of products, but when i try to ask to select one object to see i get the index out of bounds array(sorry that some of the code is in spanish)我有这两种方法可以在产品列表中查找对象,但是当我尝试要求选择一个对象来查看时,我的索引超出了数组范围(抱歉,某些代码是西班牙语)

  Public Producto BuscarProducto(int id,List<Producto> prod)
        var productos = ObtenerProducto();
        var p = (from producto in productos
                 where producto.Id == id
                 select producto).First();

        return p;


    public List<Producto> ObtenerProducto()
        var datos = ObtenerLineas();
        List<Producto> productos = new List<Producto>();

        foreach (var item in datos)

            string[] info = item.Split(',');

            Producto producto = new Producto
                Id = int.Parse(info[0]),
                Nombre = info[1],
                Precio = double.Parse(info[2]),
                Categoria = info[3],
                Detalle = info[4]

        return productos;

Make sure that there are four "," in the string that you are trying to split.确保您尝试拆分的字符串中有四个“,”。

Also it would be better to check if there are atleast 5 elements in the array.此外,最好检查数组中是否至少有 5 个元素。 You could try replacing your Add code with this checking.您可以尝试使用此检查替换您的添加代码。

if (info != null && info.Length >= 5)
    Producto producto = new Producto
        Id = int.Parse(info[0]),
        Nombre = info[1],
        Precio = double.Parse(info[2]),
        Categoria = info[3],
        Detalle = info[4]

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