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Linq 从返回的 var 中获取值

[英]Linq get the value from the var returned

I have the below code I am getting a distinct value from the datatables and then using the value to select on that datatable.我有下面的代码,我从数据表中获得了一个不同的值,然后使用该值在该数据表上进行选择。

string ccId = d.ToString(); 

is being returned as "{ id = B08 }" -- I just need B08 how can I get that value?被返回为“{ id = B08 }”——我只需要 B08 我怎样才能得到那个值?

var distinctIds = dt.AsEnumerable()
                  .Select(s => new { id = s.Field<string>("CCId"),})

foreach (var d in distinctIds)
     string ccId = d.ToString();
     DataTable selectedTable = dt.AsEnumerable()
                            .Where(r => r.Field<string>("CCId") == ccId).CopyToDataTable();

You are forcing this structure when populating distinctIds .您在填充distinctIds时强制使用此结构。 By removing the anonymous (new) call in your select you will have a list of the values only.通过删除您选择中的匿名(新)调用,您将只拥有一个值列表。

var distinctIds = dt.AsEnumerable()
                    .Select(s => s.Field<string>("CCId"))

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