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从 Protonmail 导入邮件到 Mailcow

[英]Importing mails to Mailcow from Protonmail

I'm attempting to import emails from Protonmail to Mailcow.我正在尝试将电子邮件从 Protonmail 导入 Mailcow。

Mailcow, of course, has the sync jobs functionality so my first approach was to create one such job for pulling emails from ProtonMail Bridge.当然,Mailcow 具有同步作业功能,所以我的第一种方法是创建一个这样的作业,用于从 ProtonMail Bridge 中提取电子邮件。 The Bridge runs locally at with port 1143 for IMAP and port 1025 for SMTP. Bridge 在 本地运行,IMAP 使用端口 1143,SMTP 使用端口 1025。 I tried exposing it with Ngrok, by typing the following:我尝试通过输入以下内容使用 Ngrok 公开它:

./ngrok http

Then, opening a sync job in Mailcow's UI (Mail Setup --> Sync jobs) with the URL provided by Ngrok and 1143 as port got me this:然后,使用 Ngrok 提供的 URL 和 1143 作为端口在 Mailcow 的 UI(邮件设置 --> 同步作业)中打开同步作业,我得到了这个:

Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl:
/usr/local/bin/imapsync --tmpdir /tmp --nofoldersizes --exclude (?i)spam|(?i)junk --subfolder2 External --delete2duplicates --subscribeall --automap --tls1 --host1 https://sdfsdf45.ngrok.io --user1 info@email.net --passfile1 /tmp/imapsync.XZ1EqMy --port1 1143 --host2 localhost --user2 info@email.net*my-password@mailcow.local --passfile2 /tmp/imapsync.yn2Arhj --no-modulesversion --noreleasecheck
Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath )
kill -QUIT 27012 # special behavior
kill -TERM 27012 # special behavior
kill -INT 27012 # special behavior
kill -HUP 27012 # special behavior
No variable pid_filename
PID file is unset ( to set it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" )
Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags.
Host2: probing ssl on port 993 ( use --nosslcheck to avoid this ssl probe ) 
Host2: sslcheck detected open ssl port 993 so turning ssl on (use --nossl2 --notls2 to turn off SSL and TLS wizardry)
SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug)
Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the certificate server.
Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the certificate server of host2
Info: will act as --uidexpunge2
Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.
Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1
Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2
Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds
Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds
Host1: IMAP server [https://sdfsdf45.ngrok.io] port [1143] user [info@email.net]
Host2: IMAP server [localhost] port [993] user [info@email.net*my-password@mailcow.local]
Host1: connecting and login on host1 [https://sdfsdf45.ngrok.io] port [1143] with user [info@email.net]
Host1 failure: can not open imap connection on host1 [https://sdfsdf45.ngrok.io] with user [info@email.net]: Unable to connect to https://sdfsdf45.ngrok.io:  Invalid argument
Exiting with return value 10

I tried several variations for the port, while also trying tls instead of http , all without success:我为端口尝试了几种变体,同时也尝试了tls而不是http ,但都没有成功:

./ngrok http
./ngrok tls -subdomain=encrypted 1143
./ngrok tls 1143

I also tried accessing the ProtonMail Bridge through the tcp transport layer:我也尝试通过tcp传输层访问 ProtonMail Bridge:

./ngrok tcp 1143

The tcp protocol allowed me to insert a port in the sync job different from that of the ProtonMail Bridge (15926 in the example below, as opposed to 1143 for IMAP): tcp协议允许我在同步作业中插入一个与 ProtonMail Bridge 不同的端口(在下面的示例中为 15926,而 IMAP 为 1143):

ngrok by @inconshreveable                                                                      (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status                online                                                                           
Account                       John Doe (Plan: Pro)                                                         
Version                       2.3.35                                                                           
Region                        United States (us)                                                               
Web Interface                                                                   
Forwarding                    tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:15926 -> localhost:1143                                     
Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90                                      
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   


Here's the relevant portion of the sync job's log:这是同步作业日志的相关部分:

Command line used, run by /usr/bin/perl:
/usr/local/bin/imapsync --tmpdir /tmp --nofoldersizes --exclude (?i)spam|(?i)junk --subfolder2 External --delete2duplicates --subscribeall --automap --host1 tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io --user1 info@email.net --passfile1 /tmp/imapsync._aWrUsG --port1 15926 --host2 localhost --user2 info@email.net*my-password@mailcow.local --passfile2 /tmp/imapsync.r4EJIwe --no-modulesversion --noreleasecheck
Temp directory is /tmp ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath )
kill -QUIT 17173 # special behavior
kill -TERM 17173 # special behavior
kill -INT 17173 # special behavior
kill -HUP 17173 # special behavior
No variable pid_filename
PID file is unset ( to set it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile "" )
Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags.
Host2: probing ssl on port 993 ( use --nosslcheck to avoid this ssl probe ) 
Host2: sslcheck detected open ssl port 993 so turning ssl on (use --nossl2 --notls2 to turn off SSL and TLS wizardry)
SSL debug mode level is --debugssl 1 (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug)
Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=0", meaning for host2 SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the certificate server.
Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1 to have SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the certificate server of host2
Info: will act as --uidexpunge2
Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.
Host1: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host1
Host2: will try to use LOGIN authentication on host2
Host1: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds
Host2: imap connection timeout is 120 seconds
Host1: IMAP server [tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io] port [15926] user [info@email.net]
Host2: IMAP server [localhost] port [993] user [info@email.net*my-password@mailcow.local]
Host1: connecting and login on host1 [tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io] port [15926] with user [info@email.net]
Host1 failure: can not open imap connection on host1 [tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io] with user [info@email.net]: Unable to connect to tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:  Invalid argument
Exiting with return value 10

I got around the failure to import emails from ProtonMail (through Bridge) to Mailcow directly (using the sync job functionality, which implements imapsync ) with isync/mbsync installed locally on my computer.我解决了无法将电子邮件从 ProtonMail(通过 Bridge)直接导入 Mailcow(使用同步作业功能,它实现imapsync )并在我的计算机上本地安装isync/mbsync 的问题 There are several steps to this:这有几个步骤:

1) The first step is to download all your email from ProtonMail by typing mbsync -Va in the command line. 1) 第一步是通过在命令行中输入mbsync -Va从 ProtonMail 下载所有电子邮件。 You will need a .mbsyncrc file properly configured first.您首先需要一个正确配置的.mbsyncrc文件。 The following configuration worked for me:以下配置对我有用:

IMAPAccount my-name
Port 1143
User info@email.net
Pass protonmailbridgepassword
Timeout 300

IMAPStore my-name-remote
Account my-name

MaildirStore my-name-local
Path ~/path/to/MAIL/
Inbox ~/path/to/MAIL/Inbox
SubFolders Verbatim
Flatten .

Channel my-name
Master :my-name-remote:
Slave :my-name-local:
Patterns INBOX Sent
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *

You should get something along these lines:你应该得到一些东西:

Reading configuration file /home/my-name/.mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel my-name
Opening master store my-name-remote...
Resolving ok
Connecting to ( 
Opening slave store my-name-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
C: 0/1  B: 0/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box INBOX...
Opening slave box INBOX...
Maildir notice: no UIDVALIDITY, creating new.
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 0 messages, 0 recent
master: 363 messages, 0 recent
C: 0/1  B: 1/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +363/363 *0/0 #0/0
Error: channel :my-name-remote:Sent-:my-name-local:Sent is locked
C: 1/1  B: 2/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +363/363 *0/0 #0/0

2) Notice the line before the last one, which reads Error: channel :my-name-remote:Sent-:my-name-local:Sent is locked . 2) 注意最后一行之前的行,它显示Error: channel :my-name-remote:Sent-:my-name-local:Sent is locked If you get this error, it means that you need to delete the folder /path/to/MAIL/Sent/ and all its contents then type mbsync -Va once again without touching the .mbsyncrc file just yet.如果您收到此错误,则意味着您需要删除文件夹/path/to/MAIL/Sent/及其所有内容,然后再次键入mbsync -Va而不触及.mbsyncrc文件。 Then fire mbsync -Va to get all your sent emails from ProtonMail (you may need to perform this action for each folder that you want to import from ProtonMail).然后启动mbsync -Va以从 ProtonMail 获取所有已发送的电子邮件(您可能需要为要从 ProtonMail 导入的每个文件夹执行此操作)。 You should get something along these lines now:你现在应该得到一些东西:

Reading configuration file /home/my-name/.mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel my-name
Opening master store my-name-remote...
Resolving ok
Connecting to ( 
Opening slave store my-name-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
C: 0/1  B: 0/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box INBOX...
Opening slave box INBOX...
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 364 messages, 1 recent
master: 364 messages, 0 recent
C: 0/1  B: 1/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box Sent...
Opening slave box Sent...
Creating slave Sent...
Maildir notice: no UIDVALIDITY, creating new.
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 0 messages, 0 recent
master: 176 messages, 0 recent
C: 1/1  B: 2/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +176/176 *0/0 #0/0

3) Now that you got all your old emails from ProtonMail, go ahead and update mbsync's configuration file .mbsyncrc with your Mailcow's credentials: 3) 现在你从 ProtonMail 收到了所有旧邮件,继续用你的 Mailcow 的凭据更新 mbsync 的配置文件.mbsyncrc

IMAPAccount my-name
Host mail.my-domain.com
Port 993
User mailcowuser
Pass mailcowuserpassword
SSLVersions TLSv1.2
Timeout 300

IMAPStore my-name-remote
Account my-name

MaildirStore my-name-local
Path ~/path/to/MAIL/
Inbox ~/path/to/MAIL/Inbox
SubFolders Verbatim
Flatten .

Channel my-name
Master :my-name-remote:
Slave :my-name-local:
Patterns INBOX Sent
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *

4) Before running mbsync once more, delete everything but the folders /path/to/MAIL/Inbox/cur/ and /path/to/MAIL/Sent/cur/ . 4) 在再次运行 mbsync 之前,删除除文件夹/path/to/MAIL/Inbox/cur//path/to/MAIL/Sent/cur/ You need to do this or you will get an UIDVALIDITY error similar to this:您需要这样做,否则您将收到类似于以下内容的 UIDVALIDITY 错误:

Error: channel my-name, master INBOX: UIDVALIDITY genuinely changed (at UID 103).

5) Fire mbsync one last time (you may want to add a cron job or systemd service/timer to run mbsync once in a while). 5) 最后一次启动 mbsync(您可能需要添加一个 cron 作业或 systemd 服务/计时器来偶尔运行 mbsync)。 It will download any new email you may have upstream in your Mailcow server while uploading the emails you have locally on your computer after downloading them from ProtonMail.它将下载您在 Mailcow 服务器上游可能拥有的任何新电子邮件,同时从 ProtonMail 下载您在计算机上本地拥有的电子邮件。 You should now have everything in sync, your old and new email, both in your account in your own Mailcow's server and in your local computer.您现在应该在您自己的 Mailcow 服务器和本地计算机的帐户中同步所有内容,您的旧电子邮件和新电子邮件。 You should get this, adjusted to the number of messages you are uploading to your Mailcow server:你应该得到这个,根据你上传到 Mailcow 服务器的邮件数量进行调整:

Reading configuration file /home/my-name/.mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel my-name
Opening master store my-name-remote...
Resolving mail.my-domain.com... ok
Connecting to mail.my-domain.com (12.345.67.89:993)... 
Opening slave store my-name-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
C: 0/1  B: 0/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box INBOX...
Opening slave box INBOX...
Maildir notice: no UIDVALIDITY, creating new.
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 363 messages, 0 recent
master: 2 messages, 0 recent
C: 0/1  B: 1/2  M: +363/363 *0/0 #0/0  S: +2/2 *0/0 #0/0
Error: channel :my-name-remote:Sent-:my-name-local:Sent is locked
C: 1/1  B: 2/2  M: +363/363 *0/0 #0/0  S: +2/2 *0/0 #0/0

The first thing to notice is the same error in the line before the last one.首先要注意的是在最后一行之前的行中存在相同的错误。 You may need to run mbsync -Va again without deleting anything in your mail folders.您可能需要再次运行mbsync -Va而不删除邮件文件夹中的任何内容。 If you do that, the new log should be clean of errors:如果这样做,新日志应该没有错误:

Reading configuration file /home/my-name/.mbsyncrc
C: 0/1  B: 0/0  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Channel my-name
Opening master store my-name-remote...
Resolving mail.my-domain.com... ok
Connecting to mail.my-domain.com (12.345.67.89:993)... 
Opening slave store my-name-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
C: 0/1  B: 0/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box INBOX...
Opening slave box INBOX...
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 365 messages, 0 recent
master: 365 messages, 0 recent
C: 0/1  B: 1/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0
Opening master box Sent...
Opening slave box Sent...
Loading master...
Loading slave...
slave: 176 messages, 0 recent
master: 176 messages, 0 recent
C: 1/1  B: 2/2  M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0

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