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如何在 C++ 中使用默认值将 std::set 转换为 std::map

[英]How to convert std::set to std::map with a default value in c++

I have a Set of keys.我有一套钥匙。 I want to convert these keys into the key values of a Map.我想将这些键转换为 Map 的键值。 I conveniently want to set each of the matching values in the Map to the same value (1).我很方便地想将 Map 中的每个匹配值设置为相同的值 (1)。

Here is a reproducible example.这是一个可重现的示例。

set<string> keys;

map<string,int> keys_with_values;
// I want keys_with_values to equal 
     "key1": 1, "key2": 1 

Do I have to loop through the set and insert into the map?我是否必须遍历集合并插入到地图中? If so, what is the best way to do this?如果是这样,最好的方法是什么?

Thank you, @Sam Varshavchik --here is how I implemented the loop谢谢@Sam Varshavchik——这是我实现循环的方式

 set<string> keys;
 map<string,int> keys_with_values;
 for(auto key : keys) {
     keys_with_values[key] = 1;
 cout << keys_with_values["key1"]; // 1

I want to add a further, very c++-y way for doing that:我想进一步添加一种非常 c++-y 的方式来做到这一点:

#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

int main () {
    std::set<std::string> keys;

    std::map<std::string,int> keys_with_values;
    std::transform(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), std::inserter(keys_with_values, begin(keys_with_values)), [] (const std::string &arg) { return std::make_pair(arg, 1);});

Here's another way using lambdas:这是使用 lambda 的另一种方法:

for_each(keys.begin(), keys.end(), [&](auto key)
    keys_with_values.insert({ key, 1});

And for completeness sake, here's one using iterators:为了完整起见,这里有一个使用迭代器:

set<string>::iterator it = keys.begin();
while (it != keys.end())
    keys_with_values.insert({ *it, 1});

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