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[英]How can i get the sum of a line from a .txt file in powershell?

So, I have a textfile "numbers.txt" like this:所以,我有一个像这样的文本文件“numbers.txt”:

2 3 4 5
5 6
6 7 7
6 88 9 67 4
65 76 979 8
6 88 5 4 23

My question is, how can i get the sum of each line?我的问题是,我怎样才能得到每行的总和? What i tried to do:我试图做的事情:

$data=Get-Content -Delimiter " " numbers.txt
$data | % {
 foreach($num in $_) {
 Write-Host $sum

But it gives back weird numbers.但它返回了奇怪的数字。 I dont know how to separate the different numbers in each line and get the sum of them.我不知道如何将每一行中的不同数字分开并得到它们的总和。

Here's a fast and concise PSv4+ solution that utilizes LINQ:这是一个使用 LINQ 的快速简洁的 PSv4+ 解决方案:

(Get-Content numbers.txt).ForEach({ 
  [Linq.Enumerable]::Sum([int[]] ($_ -split ' ')) 
  • (Get-Content numbers.txt) returns the input file's lines as an array of strings. (Get-Content numbers.txt)将输入文件的作为字符串数组返回。

  • .ForEach({ ... } ) executes a script block ( { ...} ) for each input line. .ForEach({ ... } ) 为每个输入行执行一个脚本块 ( { ...} )。

    • [Linq.Enumerable]::Sum(...) sums the elements of an array (enumerable) of numbers. [Linq.Enumerable]::Sum(...) ) 对数字数组(可枚举)的元素求和。

    • $_ -split ' ' splits the input line at hand ( $_ ) into (string) tokens by spaces, and converts the result to an array of integers ( [int[]] ). $_ -split ' '将手头的输入行 ( $_ ) 按空格拆分为(字符串)标记,并将结果转换为整数数组 ( [int[]] )。

Here's a - slower - solution closer to what you attempted (works in PSv3- too):这是一个 - 较慢 - 更接近您尝试的解决方案(也适用于 PSv3-):

Get-Content numbers.txt | ForEach-Object {  # Process each line.
  $sum = 0 # initialize the sum (implicitly of type [int])
  foreach ($num in $_ -split ' ') { # Process all tokens on the line.
    # Note: Because $sum is [int]-typed, adding the *string* token at 
    #       hand implicitly converts it to [int].
    $sum += $num  
  $sum # Output the sum - do NOT use Write-Host to output DATA

Both solutions yield the following:两种解决方案都会产生以下结果:

14     # 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
11     # 5 + 6
20     # ...

As for what you tried :至于你尝试什么

Get-Content -Delimiter " " numbers.txt

This splits your entire file into a single array of number strings, ignoring line boundaries.这将您的整个文件到数字符串的单个阵列,忽略行边界。

Instead, you must use Get-Content as-is in order to process the file line by line , and then split each line into space-separated tokens to sum up.相反,您必须按原样使用Get-Content以便逐行处理文件,然后将每一行拆分为以空格分隔的标记进行汇总。

Turn it into a single array of numbers:把它变成一个数字数组:

-split (get-content numbers.txt) | measure -sum | % sum


Oops, sum each line:糟糕,对每一行求和:

get-content numbers.txt | foreach { -split $_ | measure -sum } | foreach sum



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