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[英]Is it possible to send messages to microsoft team from external channel

I have a MS teams bot .我有一个 MS 团队机器人。 Now, I need to introduce this to users.现在,我需要向用户介绍这一点。 So, the bot should be able to send messages to set of specific users introducing itself in Microsoft Teams .因此,机器人应该能够向在 Microsoft Teams 中介绍自己的一组特定用户发送消息。 I have list of people in database.我有数据库中的人员名单。 Now, is it possible to send messages to all of them in teams .现在,是否可以向团队中的所有人发送消息。 If yes, how?如果是,如何?

I haven't tried this, but presumably an Admin could install the app for the users.我还没有尝试过,但大概管理员可以为用户安装该应用程序。 At which point the bot should receive a conversationUpdate and the bot should be able to message the user in the event handler.此时,机器人应该收到一个conversationUpdate ,并且机器人应该能够在事件处理程序中向用户发送消息。

As @Abhijit-MSFT mentioned in comments, here is an example of using Graph to add an App for a user: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/contoso-airlines-teams-sample/blob/283523d45f5ce416111dfc34b8e49728b5012739/project/Models/GraphService.cs#L176正如@Abhijit-MSFT 在评论中提到的,以下是使用 Graph 为用户添加应用程序的示例: https : //github.com/microsoftgraph/contoso-airlines-teams-sample/blob/283523d45f5ce416111dfc34b8e49728b5012739/project/Models/ GraphService.cs#L176

        public async Task InstallAppToAllUsers()
            string appid = "f46ad259-0fe5-4f12-872d-c737b174bcb4"; // Adobe

            var graph = GetAuthenticatedClient();
            var users = await graph.Users.Request().Select("id,displayName").GetAsync();
            foreach (User user in users)
                if (user.DisplayName.StartsWith("Megan"))
                    // Check if the app is already installed for that user.
                    // Use $expand to populate the teamsAppDefinition property,
                    // and $filter to search for the one app we care about
                    TeamsAppInstallation[] installs = await HttpGetList<TeamsAppInstallation>(
                        $"/users/{user.Id}/teamwork/installedApps?$expand=teamsAppDefinition&$filter=teamsAppDefinition/teamsAppId eq '{appid}'", 
                        endpoint: graphBetaEndpoint);
                    if (installs.Length == 0)
                        // install app
                        await HttpPost($"/users/{user.Id}/teamwork/installedApps",
                                new TeamsAppInstallation()
                                    AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>() { ["teamsApp@odata.bind"] = $"{graphBetaEndpoint}/appCatalogs/teamsApps/{appid}" }
                                endpoint: graphBetaEndpoint);
                        // Bot will get a notification about the new user and the chat thread ID for that user

                    // If you've forgotten the chat thread ID for that user, you can find it again:
                    var chats = await HttpGetList<Chat>($"/users/{user.Id}/chats?$filter=installedApps/any(a:a/teamsApp/id eq '{appid}')", endpoint: graphBetaEndpoint);
                    string threadId = chats[0].Id;

                    // Wait a little before installing the next app to avoid throttling


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