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[英]Find the shortest cycle in a graph (Undirected, Unweighted)

I've been trying to write a python program that finds the shortest cycle in a graph, but I'm stuck.我一直在尝试编写一个 python 程序,它可以在图中找到最短的循环,但我被卡住了。 This is my code:这是我的代码:

def shortestCycle(vertices):

    distances = []

    for i in range(len(vertices.keys())):
        dist = 0
        visited = []
        vertex = list(vertices.keys())[i]
        searchQueue = deque()

        searchQueue += vertices[vertex]

        while searchQueue:
            currentVertex = searchQueue.popleft()   
            if currentVertex not in visited:

                if currentVertex == vertex:
                    searchQueue += vertices[currentVertex]
            dist += 1

    return min(distances)

For some extra explanation, vertices is a dictionary with vertices as keys, and their neighbours as values, for example: {1 : [2, 4, 5, 8], 2 : [1, 3], ... .对于一些额外的解释, vertices是一个字典,以顶点为键,它们的邻居为值,例如: {1 : [2, 4, 5, 8], 2 : [1, 3], ... This code gives the wrong result, and I'm partialy aware of what is causing that, but I'm not sure how to fix it.这段代码给出了错误的结果,我部分知道是什么原因造成的,但我不确定如何解决它。 Any ideas or advices ?任何想法或建议?


example input: {'1': ['2', '4', '5', '8'], '2': ['1', '3'], '3': ['2', '4'], '4': ['1', '3'], '5': ['1', '6'], '6': ['5', '7'], '7': ['6', '8'], '8': ['1', '7']}示例输入: {'1': ['2', '4', '5', '8'], '2': ['1', '3'], '3': ['2', '4'], '4': ['1', '3'], '5': ['1', '6'], '6': ['5', '7'], '7': ['6', '8'], '8': ['1', '7']}

example output: 4示例输出: 4

I managed to solve it:我设法解决了它:

def shortestCycle(vertices):

    minCycle = sys.maxsize
    n = len(vertices.keys())

    for i in range(n):

        distances = [sys.maxsize for i in range(n)]
        parent = [-1 for i in range(n)]

        distances[i] = 0

        q = deque()
        q.append(i + 1)

        while q:

            currentVertex = str(q.popleft())

            for v in vertices[currentVertex]:

                j = currentVertex
                if distances[v - 1] == sys.maxsize:
                    distances[v - 1] = 1 + distances[j - 1]

                    parent[v - 1] = j


                elif parent[j - 1] != v and parent[v - 1] != j - 1:

                    minCycle = min(minCycle, distances[j - 1] + distances[v - 1] + 1)

        if minCycle == sys.maxsize:
            return -1
            return minCycle

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