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在 MassTransit 6.0 中使用 Autofac 的 NLog?

[英]NLog with Autofac in MassTransit 6.0?

My Consumers fail to instantiate from Autofac due to the following:由于以下原因,我的消费者无法从 Autofac 实例化:

Cannot resolve parameter 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MyService, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer])'.无法解析1[MyConsumer] logger' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MyService, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer])”的参数“Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MyService, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger ”。

The ILoggers resolve fine in every other class except the MassTransit Consumers;除了 MassTransit Consumer 之外,ILoggers 在其他所有类中都能很好地解析; I believe it's an issue with LogContext.ConfigureCurrentLogContext();我相信这是 LogContext.ConfigureCurrentLogContext() 的问题; and order of operations.和操作顺序。 Below is the code, edited for brevity:以下是代码,为简洁起见进行了编辑:

ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder(); // Autofac



builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes() // load up all services, yada yada

// what to pass here? I'm inside an unbuilt Autofac Container at this point. There is no ILoggerFactory until the Container is built!
LogContext.ConfigureCurrentLogContext(); // configure MassTransit logging

builder.AddMassTransit(x => 

                x.AddBus(bus => MassTransit.Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(config =>
                    config.ConfigureEndpoints(bus); // wire-up consumers discovered by the AddConsumers() call above

Container = builder.Build(); // now build the container

// add NLog
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = new AutofacServiceProvider(Container); // this requires a built Container!
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();

I should note that logging within MassTransit is actually working;我应该注意到 MassTransit 中的日志记录实际上是有效的; I see all kind of debug output regarding the queues and messages.我看到了有关队列和消息的各种调试输出。 But the Consumer will not instantiate for whatever reason.但是无论出于何种原因,消费者都不会实例化。 If I try to manually Resolve<ILogger<MyConsumer>>() I'll get an ILogger but MassTransit seems to have trouble with it.如果我尝试手动Resolve<ILogger<MyConsumer>>()我会得到一个 ILogger 但 MassTransit 似乎有问题。

Edit : full error message via VS Output:编辑:通过 VS 输出的完整错误消息:

None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'MyConsumer' can be invoked with the available services and parameters:在类型 'MyConsumer' 上找到的带有 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' 的构造函数都不能用可用的服务和参数调用:
Cannot resolve parameter 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MyService, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger`1[MyConsumer])'.*无法解析构造函数“Void .ctor(MyService, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger`1[MyConsumer])”的参数“Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger”。*

Package versions:包版本:

  • Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection 5.0.1 Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection 5.0.1
  • MassTransit 6.0大众运输 6.0
  • MassTransit.Autofac 6.0大众运输.Autofac 6.0
  • NLog.Extensions.Logging 1.6.1 NLog.Extensions.Logging 1.6.1

Cannot resolve parameter Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger无法解析参数Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[MyConsumer] logger

This error message means that Autofac can't find a registered Logger<MyConsumer> .此错误消息意味着Autofac找不到已注册的Logger<MyConsumer> If you look at your registration you register ILogger<> and not Logger<> .如果您查看您的注册,您注册的是ILogger<>而不是Logger<> You should change the dependency to the interface version in MyConsumer and autofac will find it.您应该将依赖项更改为MyConsumer的接口版本, autofac会找到它。

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