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如何从产品实体(Drupal commerce)获取产品类型?

[英]How to get product type from product entity (Drupal commerce)?

I'm getting product object with a view.我正在获取带有视图的产品对象。 How to get its type?如何获取它的类型?

$view = Views::getView('get_all_products');
foreach ($view->result as $row) { // products
  $product = $row->_entity;
  $product = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')->getTranslationFromContext($product); // Translating it
  $productType = $product-> ????


$product_type = $product->bundle();

A bit insane way I've found is:我发现的一个有点疯狂的方法是:

$productType = $product->get("type")[0]->get("target_id")->getValue();

Anyone has a better solution?有人有更好的解决方案吗?


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