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[英]How to reproduce: Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously

How to get this error message in Outlook 365?如何在 Outlook 365 中获取此错误消息?

Your server administrator has limited the number of items you can open simultaneously.您的服务器管理员限制了您可以同时打开的项目数。 Try closing messages you have opened or removing attachments and images from unsent messages you are composing.尝试关闭您已打开的邮件或从您正在撰写的未发送邮件中删除附件和图像。

I've created an Outlook plugin and it work just fine on my PC/Exchange account, but on my customer PC it crash with this error.我创建了一个 Outlook 插件,它在我的 PC/Exchange 帐户上运行良好,但在我的客户 PC 上它因此错误而崩溃。

I'm using some LINQ queries and according to this post I shouldn't.我正在使用一些 LINQ 查询,根据这篇文章我不应该使用。 Now I would like to test the fix on my PC before going to my customer, but I cannot find out how to generate this error...现在我想在去找客户之前在我的 PC 上测试修复程序,但我不知道如何生成此错误...

Turn cached mode off in your Exchange account settings and make sure you are working against a folder with a larger number of messages (> 250, or even thousands).在您的 Exchange 帐户设置中关闭缓存模式,并确保您正在处理包含大量邮件(> 250,甚至数千)的文件夹。

And yes, do not use LINQ or plain loops against the Items collection - use Items.Find/FindNext or Items.Restrict .是的,不要对Items集合使用 LINQ 或普通循环 - 使用Items.Find/FindNextItems.Restrict


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