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alpine 3.10 中缺少 php7-pecl-mongodb

[英]php7-pecl-mongodb missing in alpine 3.10

Recently upgraded to alpine 3.10 (docker image) because I need php 7.3 for given security fix.最近升级到 alpine 3.10(docker 镜像),因为我需要 php 7.3 来进行给定的安全修复。

During build I install php7-pecl-mongodb.在构建期间,我安装了 php7-pecl-mongodb。 Seems like this package is no longer available in 3.10.似乎这个包在 3.10 中不再可用。

Get the following error during build:在构建过程中出现以下错误:

  php7-pecl-mongodb (missing):
  ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
  required by: world[php7-pecl-mongodb]

Cannot find package in alpine library and when searching the web I can read that the package is not available in alpine 3.10.在 alpine 库中找不到包,在网上搜索时我可以看到该包在 alpine 3.10 中不可用。

What is the replacement for this?这有什么替代品?

尝试使用edgev3.9 ,因为它在 v3.10 中不存在。

RUN apk add --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.9/community/ php7-pecl-mongodb=1.5.3-r2 

我在边缘测试存储库中找到了 php7-pecl-mongodb 的工作版本 1.6.1-r0:

RUN apk add --no-cache --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/ php7-pecl-mongodb

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