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我如何在 ComboBox Vb.Net 中过滤数据

[英]How I Do Filter Data in ComboBox Vb.Net

enter image description here I need help about that I have some country names in Combobox .在此处输入图像描述我需要帮助,因为我在Combobox有一些国家/地区名称。 I want like a first show from (A) then show from (B) like alphabetic order.我想要从 (A) 开始的第一个节目,然后从 (B) 开始,像字母顺序一样。

Dim connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=PC1-PC;Initial Catalog=Test2;Integrated Security=True")
Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from Table_6", connection)
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
Dim table As New DataTable()

ComboBox1.DataSource = table
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Country"


Build a list of your countries.建立您的国家/地区列表。 Then sort the list and add to combobox.然后对列表进行排序并添加到组合框。

Private Sub OpCode()
    Dim Countries As New List(Of String) From {"Cabo Verde", "Ecuador", "Haiti", "Iraq", "El Salvador", "Djibouti", "France", "Bahrain",
   "Cameroon", "Guinea", "Albania", "Finland", "Italy", "Jordan", "Grenada", "Dominica"}
End Sub


OKay, I am calling the field you are interested in "CountryName" .好的,我正在调用您感兴趣的字段"CountryName" I am assuming it is the second field in the table which is index 1 .我假设它是表中的第二个字段,即索引1

The Using...End Using statements ensure that your database objects are closed and disposed even if there is an error. Using...End Using语句确保您的数据库对象即使出现错误也已关闭和处理。 You don't need a DataAdapter ;您不需要DataAdapter just load the DataTable .只需加载DataTable

The best approach to getting the list sorted is to let the database do the work by adding an Order By clause.对列表进行排序的最佳方法是通过添加Order By子句让数据库完成这项工作。

Private Function GetCountryNames() As DataTable
    Dim dt As New DataTable
    Using cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=PC1-PC;Initial Catalog=Test2;Integrated Security=True"),
            cmd As New SqlCommand("Select * From Tabel_6 Order By CountryName;", cn)
    End Using
    Return dt
End Function

Private Sub FillSortedCountriesCombo()
    ComboBox1.DataSource = GetCountryNames()
    ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "CountryName"
End Sub

If, for some reason, you need to do the sort in code then...如果出于某种原因,您需要在代码中进行排序,那么...

Private Sub FillUnsortedCountriesCombo()
    Dim dt = GetCountryNames()
    Dim CountriesArray = (From row In dt.AsEnumerable
                          Order By row.Field(Of String)(1)
                          Select row("CountryName")).ToArray
End Sub

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