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覆盖 C# 派生类中的枚举

[英]override enum in derived class in C#

I'm creating an abstract finite machine state class with an enum for the possible commands it can receive, something like:我正在创建一个abstract有限机器状态类,其中包含它可以接收的可能命令的enum ,例如:

public abstract class FSMBase
    public enum Commands {};
    public enum States;
    public Dictionary<Transition, States> AvailableTransitions;
    public States CurrentState;

    public abstract void InitCommandsAndStatesAndTransitiosnAndInitialState();

    public void ProcessCommand(Commands _command)
        Transition RequestedTransition = new Transition(CurrentState, command);
        if(AvailableTransitions.TryGetValue(RequestedTransition, out State nextState) //pseudocode
             CurrentState = nextState;

Then in the derived class I would like to override the States , the Transitions and the Commands .然后在派生类中,我想覆盖States中, TransitionsCommands Something like:就像是:

public class MyFSM : FSMBase
    public override void InitCommandsAndStatesAndTransitiosnAndInitialState()
        States = {Off, starting, started, ...} //HERE IS MY PROBLEM
        Commands = {start, stop, finish, ...}; // HERE IS MY PROBLEM

        Transitions = new Dictionary<Transition, BaseState>
            {new Transition(States.Off, Commands.Start), States.starting},

        CurrentState = States.Off;

How do I override the enum s in my derived class ???如何覆盖派生类中的enum ???

Well, enum is in fact int ( byte , short , long ect.) and can't be overriden.好吧, enum实际上是intbyteshortlong等)并且不能被覆盖。 I suggest using generics instead我建议改用泛型

public abstract class FSMBase<State, Command> 
  where State   : Enum  // : Enum wants C# 7.3+
  where Command : Enum {

  //TODO: I suggest have these fields private, or at least, protected
  public Dictionary<Transition, State> AvailableTransitions;
  public State CurrentState;

  public void ProcessCommand(Command _command) {


When implementing MyFSM you can put required enums:在实现MyFSM您可以放置​​所需的枚举:

public class MyFSM : FSMBase<MyStates, MyCommands> {

Edit: in case of lower c# versions you can try same idea but different constraints:编辑:较低的c# 版本的情况下,您可以尝试相同的想法但不同的约束:

public abstract class FSMBase<State, Command> 
  where State   : struct  
  where Command : struct {

  public State CurrentState;

  // Instead of compile time error we are going to have runtime one,
  // if either State or Command is not enum
  static FSMBase() {
    if (!typeof(State).IsEnum)
      throw new InvalidCastException("Generic pararameter State must be enum!");
    else if (!typeof(Command).IsEnum)
      throw new InvalidCastException("Generic pararameter Command must be enum!");


public class MyFSM : FSMBase<MyStates, MyCommands> {
  public override void InitCommandsAndStatesAndTransitiosnAndInitialState() {
    CurrentState = MyStates.Off;

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