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通过方法调用调用 Junit 断言

[英]Calling Junit Assertions via method call

I'm writing a Junit 4 test class comprising of 5 test methods.我正在编写一个包含 5 个测试方法的Junit 4测试类。 All these 5 test methods have same 10 assertEquals lines of code.所有这 5 个测试方法都有相同的 10 行assertEquals代码。

Would it be best practice to move these lines of codes in one method for eg public void callAssertions() { .... } and call this method from all tests?将这些代码行移动到一种方法中是否是最佳实践,例如public void callAssertions() { .... }并从所有测试中调用此方法?

As matt freake's comment mentions - Calling Junit Assertions via method call , there are differing opinions, but what I would do is separate assertions that are similar in nature.正如 matt freake 的评论所提到的 - 通过方法调用调用 Junit 断言,有不同的意见,但我会做的是性质相似的单独断言。

So for example if you want to assert person's details, I would separate them into an assertPersonDetails() method - and so forth for other assertions.因此,例如,如果您想断言人的详细信息,我会将它们分成一个assertPersonDetails()方法 - 其他断言依此类推。 It really depends on the business logic underneath.这实际上取决于下面的业务逻辑。

I wouldn't recommend separating them all into a generic named method like you suggested callAssertions()我不建议像你建议的callAssertions()那样将它们全部分离成一个通用的命名方法

As with all code, you should make sure that every test and every method in your test is readable and comprehensible.与所有代码一样,您应该确保每个测试和测试中的每个方法都是可读和可理解的。

You should have a clear pattern in your top test methods: given X, when Y, then Z. You can extract common code from each of the given/then/when parts, but you should not mix them.你的顶级测试方法应该有一个清晰的模式:给定 X,当 Y,然后 Z。你可以从每个给定/然后/当部分中提取公共代码,但你不应该混合它们。

So an assertThatZzzIsConsistent(...) method is OK, if it extracts only from the 'then' part.所以 assertThatZzzIsConsistent(...) 方法是可以的,如果它只从“then”部分提取。 But an executeYyyAndAssertThatZzzIsConsistent(...) is not OK if it combines the 'when' and 'then' part.但是,如果 executeYyyAndAssertThatZzzIsConsistent(...) 结合了 'when' 和 'then' 部分,则它是不合适的。

I think that is a neater solution yes.我认为这是一个更简洁的解决方案,是的。 Personally i always keep everything as separate as possible so every test is completely standalone.就我个人而言,我总是尽可能将所有内容分开,因此每个测试都是完全独立的。 As long as that is the case it's okay.只要是这种情况就可以了。

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