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Rails 5 - 根据先前的 collection_select 更改 collection_select 的表单值

[英]Rails 5 - Change form value of a collection_select based on a previous collection_select

I'm trying to adjust a form so that when the value of the top 'Competition' collection_select is changed, the available values for 'Home Team' and 'Away Team' change to show just those teams in that competition (ie competition.teams).我正在尝试调整表单,以便当顶部“Competition”collection_select 的值发生更改时,“Home Team”和“Away Team”的可用值会更改为仅显示该比赛中的那些球队(即competition.teams )。 The app itself is working as I expect it to, this is just something I want to add in for usability.该应用程序本身正在按我的预期工作,这只是我想添加的可用性。

I've been reading through multiple posts around this question and all of them suggest using Javascript/AJAX (not my strong point), but there seems to be different ways of doing it with regards to routes, controllers, partials etc.我一直在阅读围绕这个问题的多篇文章,并且所有文章都建议使用 Javascript/AJAX(不是我的强项),但在路由、控制器、部分等方面似乎有不同的方法。

Any pointers or help that can be provided will be most appreciated!任何可以提供的指示或帮助将不胜感激!

_form.html.erb : _form.html.erb :

<div class="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
  <%= form_for(@game, url: yield(:form_url)) do |f| %>
    <%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :competition, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.collection_select :competition_id, Competition.order(:name),:opta_id,:name, class: 'form-control' %>

    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :home_team_id, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.collection_select :home_team_id, Team.order(:name),:opta_id,:name, class: 'form-control' %>

    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :away_team_id, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.collection_select :away_team_id, Team.order(:name),:opta_id,:name, class: 'form-control' %>

    <%= f.submit yield(:button_text), class: "btn btn-primary" %>
  <% end %>

So after some more searching I came across a blog article from someone wanting to do the same thing.因此,经过更多搜索后,我发现了一篇博客文章,该文章来自想要做同样事情的人。 In the article it mentioned a RailsCasts video that addressed this subject.在文章中,它提到了讨论这个主题的RailsCasts 视频

After watching the video I've now made the following changes and the form is now doing exactly what I wanted!观看视频后,我现在进行了以下更改,表单现在完全符合我的要求!

I don't know if this is the best solution, but it seems fairly clean.我不知道这是否是最好的解决方案,但它看起来相当干净。 I'm option to suggestions on improvements.我可以选择改进建议。

_form.htm.erb : _form.htm.erb :

<div class="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
  <%= form_for(@game, url: yield(:form_url)) do |f| %>
    <%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :competition, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.collection_select :competition_id, Competition.order(:name),:opta_id,:name, include_blank: true, class: 'form-control' %>

    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :home_team_id, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.grouped_collection_select :home_team_id, Competition.order(:name), :teams, :name, :opta_id,:name, include_blank: true %>

    <div class="form-group">
      <%= f.label :away_team_id, class: 'control-label' %>
      <%= f.grouped_collection_select :away_team_id, Competition.order(:name), :teams, :name, :opta_id,:name, include_blank: true %>

    <%= f.submit yield(:button_text), class: "btn btn-primary" %>
  <% end %>

games.coffee :游戏.咖啡

jQuery ->
  home_teams = $('#game_home_team_id').html()
  away_teams = $('#game_away_team_id').html()
  $('#game_competition_id').change ->
    competition = $('#game_competition_id :selected').text()
    escaped_competition = competition.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/@])/g, '\\$1')
    home_options = $(home_teams).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_competition}']").html()
    away_options = $(away_teams).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_competition}']").html()
    if home_options || away_options

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