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将 UpdateOne 与 MongoDB Golang 驱动程序一起使用时,Upsert 不起作用

[英]Upsert not working when using UpdateOne with the MongoDB Golang driver

For reference, I have this struct:作为参考,我有这个结构:

type OpenOrderCleaned struct {
    OrderID             string    `json:"orderId" bson:"orderId"`
    DateTimeOrderPlaced time.Time `json:"dateTimeOrderPlaced" bson:"dateTimeOrderPlaced"`
    OrderItems          []struct {
        OrderItemID   string `json:"orderItemId" bson:"orderItemId"`
        Ean           string `json:"ean" bson:"ean"`
        CancelRequest bool   `json:"cancelRequest" bson:"cancelRequest"`
        Quantity      int    `json:"quantity" bson:"quantity"`
    } `json:"orderItems" bson:"orderItems"`

I get an API response with multiple JSON instances that I want to save in MongoDB, so I use a for loop.我收到了一个包含多个 JSON 实例的 API 响应,我想将这些实例保存在 MongoDB 中,因此我使用了 for 循环。 I want to check if a document already exists in the database, by using the orderId field, which is unique for every JSON instance.我想通过使用orderId字段检查数据库中是否已存在文档,该字段对于每个 JSON 实例都是唯一的。 I thought UpdateOne was a good option for this because it has upsert .我认为UpdateOne是一个不错的选择,因为它具有upsert So if the orderId does not exist, the full document should be generated and stored in the database.因此,如果 orderId 不存在,则应生成完整的文档并将其存储在数据库中。

for _, OpenOrderCleaned := range o.Orders {

    c := auth.GetClient()
    collection := c.Database("goprac").Collection(x)

    filter := bson.M{"orderId": bson.M{"$eq": OpenOrderCleaned.OrderID}}
    update := bson.M{
        "$set": bson.M{
            "orderId":             OpenOrderCleaned.OrderID,
            "dateTimeOrderPlaced": OpenOrderCleaned.DateTimeOrderPlaced,
            "orderItems":          OpenOrderCleaned.OrderItems,

    ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
    result, err := collection.UpdateOne(ctx, filter, update)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result ERROR:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result:", result)
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result TYPE:", reflect.TypeOf(result))
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result MatchedCount:", result.MatchedCount)
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result ModifiedCount:", result.ModifiedCount)
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result UpsertedCount:", result.UpsertedCount)
        fmt.Println("UpdateOne() result UpsertedID:", result.UpsertedID)


But right now the Upsert is not working.但是现在Upsert不起作用。 When I put a manual document into MongoDB and running the program, it is updating though.当我将手动文档放入 MongoDB 并运行该程序时,它正在更新。 So why are new instances not made in the database?那么为什么没有在数据库中创建新实例呢? Do I have to state somewhere upsert=True or something?我是否必须在某处声明upsert=True或其他什么? Or is maybe the mapping of "orderItems": OpenOrderCleaned.OrderItems not correct?或者"orderItems": OpenOrderCleaned.OrderItems的映射"orderItems": OpenOrderCleaned.OrderItems不正确?

Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

You are calling update, not upsert.您正在调用更新,而不是 upsert。 You have to pass the correct options to UpdateOne to upsert.您必须将正确的选项传递给UpdateOne以进行 upsert。 This is from the mongo driver examples:这是来自 mongo 驱动程序示例:

opts := options.Update().SetUpsert(true)
filter := bson.D{{"_id", id}}
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"email", "newemail@example.com"}}}}

result, err := coll.UpdateOne(context.TODO(), filter, update, opts)

You are missing the opts .你错过了opts

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