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将 Spring Security AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter 迁移到 WebFlux

[英]Migrating Spring Security AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter to WebFlux

I'm updating an old application to use WebFlux but I've gotten a bit lost when it comes to handling JWT validation with Spring Security.我正在更新一个旧应用程序以使用 WebFlux,但是在使用 Spring Security 处理 JWT 验证时我有点迷失了。

The existing code (which works with standard Spring Web) looks like:现有代码(适用于标准 Spring Web)如下所示:

(Validating a Firebase Token) (验证 Firebase 令牌)

public class FirebaseAuthenticationTokenFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter {

  private static final String TOKEN_HEADER = "X-Firebase-Auth";

  public FirebaseAuthenticationTokenFilter() {

  public Authentication attemptAuthentication(
      final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) {

    for (final Enumeration<?> e = request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      final String nextHeaderName = (String) e.nextElement();
      final String headerValue = request.getHeader(nextHeaderName);

    final String authToken = request.getHeader(TOKEN_HEADER);
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(authToken)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Invaild auth token");

    return getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(new FirebaseAuthenticationToken(authToken));

However when switching to WebFlux we lose HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse .然而,当切换到 WebFlux 时,我们丢失了HttpServletRequestHttpServletResponse There is a GitHub issue which suggests there is an alternative method/fix https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/5328 however following it through I'm not able to identify what was actually changed to make this work.有一个 GitHub 问题表明有一个替代方法/修复https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/5328但是通过它我无法确定实际更改的内容这项工作。

The Spring Security docs while great, don't really explain how to handle the use-case. Spring Security 文档虽然很棒,但并没有真正解释如何处理用例。

Any tips on how to proceed?有关如何进行的任何提示?

Got there in the end:最后到达那里:

First need to update the filter chain with a custom filter just like before首先需要像以前一样使用自定义过滤器更新过滤器链

public class SecurityConfig {

  private final FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth;

  public SecurityConfig(final FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth) {

    this.firebaseAuth = firebaseAuth;

  public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(final ServerHttpSecurity http) {

        .addFilterAt(firebaseAuthenticationFilter(), SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHENTICATION)

    return http.build();

  private AuthenticationWebFilter firebaseAuthenticationFilter() {
    final AuthenticationWebFilter webFilter =
        new AuthenticationWebFilter(new BearerTokenReactiveAuthenticationManager());

    webFilter.setServerAuthenticationConverter(new FirebaseAuthenticationConverter(firebaseAuth));

    return webFilter;

The main workhorse of the process is FirebaseAuthenticationConverter where I validate the incoming JWT against Firebase, and perform some standard logic against it.该过程的主要工作是FirebaseAuthenticationConverter ,我在其中根据 Firebase 验证传入的 JWT,并对其执行一些标准逻辑。

public class FirebaseAuthenticationConverter implements ServerAuthenticationConverter {

  private static final String BEARER = "Bearer ";

  private static final Predicate<String> matchBearerLength =
      authValue -> authValue.length() > BEARER.length();

  private static final Function<String, Mono<String>> isolateBearerValue =
      authValue -> Mono.justOrEmpty(authValue.substring(BEARER.length()));

  private final FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth;

  private Mono<FirebaseToken> verifyToken(final String unverifiedToken) {
    try {
      final ApiFuture<FirebaseToken> task = firebaseAuth.verifyIdTokenAsync(unverifiedToken);

      return Mono.justOrEmpty(task.get());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new SessionAuthenticationException(e.getMessage());

  private Mono<FirebaseUserDetails> buildUserDetails(final FirebaseToken firebaseToken) {
    return Mono.just(

  private Mono<Authentication> create(final FirebaseUserDetails userDetails) {
    return Mono.justOrEmpty(
        new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
            userDetails.getEmail(), null, userDetails.getAuthorities()));

  public Mono<Authentication> convert(final ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    return Mono.justOrEmpty(exchange)

To the previous answer there could be added that this method also works fine:对于上一个答案,可以补充说这种方法也可以正常工作:

private Mono<FirebaseToken> verifyToken(final String unverifiedToken) {
        try {
            return Mono.just(FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifyIdToken(unverifiedToken));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new SessionAuthenticationException(e.getMessage());

And this one does not provid warnings regarding unnecessary use of blocking methods (like get() )并且这个不提供关于不必要使用阻塞方法的警告(如get()

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