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对于 Discourse,是否有可以从文本文件(如 csv 文件)读取的导入程序?

[英]For Discourse is there an importer than can read from text files, like csv files?

If so this seem to be the simplest approach for importing data from other sources because I can extract data from the old forum without problem, the difficultly is getting an import into discourse.如果是这样,这似乎是从其他来源导入数据的最简单方法,因为我可以毫无问题地从旧论坛中提取数据,困难在于将数据导入话语中。

So I ended up writing one myself, expect this is of most use to other Java developers moving relatively small forums to Discourse from another forum.所以我最终自己写了一个,希望这对其他 Java 开发人员最有用,他们将相对较小的论坛从另一个论坛转移到 Discourse。 In my case i was importing from JForum but the tool is not JForum specific it just works from .csv files.就我而言,我是从 JForum 导入的,但该工具不是特定于 JForum 的,它仅适用于 .csv 文件。

https://meta.discourse.org/t/discoursetransfer-simple-java-tool-for-import/138800 https://meta.discourse.org/t/discoursetransfer-simple-java-tool-for-import/138800

Discourse has an API which allows creating users, posts, uploads etc. The documentation is at docs.discourse.org Discourse 有一个 API 允许创建用户、帖子、上传等。文档位于docs.discourse.org

There's also this F# program, but last update was in 2016: https://github.com/Viir/import-to-discourse还有这个 F# 程序,但最后一次更新是在 2016 年: https://github.com/Viir/import-to-discourse

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