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我在使用 setInterval() 时遇到了一些问题

[英]I'm having some problem with setInterval()

I want my stopwatch as if 60 seconds complete .我想要我的秒表好像 60 秒完成。 There should be an increment in minute and seconds to start from 0 again .分秒之间应该有一个增量,以便再次从 0 开始。 I tried so many ways to do so but it always stop working when time is one minute .. is it built in problem in setInterval()我尝试了很多方法来做到这一点,但是当时间为一分钟时它总是停止工作..它是否存在于setInterval()中的问题

async timer() {

  var timeout = setInterval(() => {
    this.timerSecond.innerText = count;
    if (count > 59) {
      count = 0;
      this.timerSecond.innerText = count;
      this.timerMinute.innerText = count1

  }, 100);

  return timeout;

Does this method work for you?这个方法对你有用吗?

timer () {
  let seconds = 0;

  const tick = () => {
    this.timerText.textContent = seconds;
    this.timerSecond.textContent = `${seconds % 60}`.padStart(2, '0');
    this.timerMinute.textContent = Math.floor(seconds / 60);

  return setInterval(tick, 1000);

It's hard to tell why you had two separate setInterval() calls, but I removed the one called every 100 milliseconds and combined the logic into a single one.很难说为什么有两个单独的setInterval()调用,但我删除了每 100 毫秒调用一次的调用,并将逻辑合并为一个。

The timerSecond uses modulo 60 of seconds , and timerMinute uses result of integer division by 60, while the timerText just receives the seconds directly, as in your initial code. timerSecond使用seconds模 60 ,而timerMinute使用整数除以 60 的结果,而timerText只是直接接收seconds ,就像在您的初始代码中一样。

The async keyword didn't add any value to your code, since none of it uses promises, so I removed it. async关键字没有为您的代码添加任何值,因为它没有使用承诺,所以我删除了它。

Here's a slightly elaborated example to demonstrate functionality:这是一个稍微详细说明的示例来演示功能:

 class Stopwatch { timerText = document.querySelector('.text'); timerSecond = document.querySelector('.second'); timerMinute = document.querySelector('.minute'); timer () { let seconds = 0; const tick = () => { this.timerText.textContent = seconds; this.timerSecond.textContent = `${seconds % 60}`.padStart(2, '0'); this.timerMinute.textContent = Math.floor(seconds / 60); seconds++; }; tick(); return setInterval(tick, 1000); } } new Stopwatch().timer();
 <div class="text"></div> <div> <span class="minute"></span>:<span class="second"></span> </div>

This is nice and simple:这很好很简单:

 var seconds = 0; setInterval(function(){ tick(document.getElementById("timer"), ++seconds); }, 1000); function tick(ele, secs){ ele.innerHTML = Math.floor(secs / 60) + ":" + (secs % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + secs % 60; }
 <span id="timer">0:00</span>

Math.floor(secs / 60) gives us the minutes and excludes any remainder of seconds, secs % 60 gives us the remainder of seconds after we've divided by 60 (so it essentially removes the minutes), and (secs % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") gives us a leading "0" if the seconds (excluding whole minutes) is less than 10. Math.floor(secs / 60)为我们提供分钟数并排除任何剩余的秒数, secs % 60为我们提供除以 60 后剩余的秒数(因此它基本上删除了分钟数),并且(secs % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "")如果秒数(不包括整分钟)小于 10,则给我们一个前导“0”。

Here is a basic example of how to make a counter that counts down from 60 (or any other number) and display it on the page.这是一个基本示例,说明如何制作一个从 60(或任何其他数字)开始倒计时并将其显示在页面上的计数器。

 // Reference to html element that holds the count const counterDiv = document.getElementById('counter'); // Variable that will keep track of the seconds to count down from const secondsToCount = 60; // Set the initial value of the counter to the secondsToCount variable. // The counter will be updated each 1000ms | 1s and will be changed // to the value of the remaining seconds to count down from // which is why this variable is let opposed to const let counter = secondsToCount; // Set the initial text of the counter html element counterDiv.innerHTML = secondsToCount; // Function that is going to do counting for us. const interval = setInterval( () => { // Decrement the current counter value by 1 counter--; // Update the text to show the new value of our counter counterDiv.innerHTML = counter; // If the counter is === 0, the counter is finished. She some text. if (counter === 0) { // Clear the interval (otherwise, you'll continue to count // into the negative numbers clearInterval(interval); // Show the completed text counterDiv.innerHTML = `Done counting down from ${secondsToCount} seconds`; } }, 1000); // 1000 ms | 1s
 <!-- Element used to show the count --> <div id="counter"></div>

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