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[英]How to open a wordpress site?

I was asked to correct styles in CSS on the Wordpress site.我被要求在 Wordpress 网站上更正 CSS 中的样式。 I do not have access to their server, so I need to edit on my local server.我无权访问他们的服务器,所以我需要在我的本地服务器上进行编辑。

There are files in the wp-content folder. wp-content 文件夹中有文件。

I installed Wordpress on a local server (I did not work in Wordpress Before), threw this wp-content file there.我在本地服务器上安装了 Wordpress(我之前没有在 Wordpress 中工作过),将这个 wp-content 文件扔到那里。 And here's what happened: enter image description here这就是发生的事情:在此处输入图像描述

Code (197 line):代码(197行):

<div class="bt bt-language d-none d-md-block">
  $languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=0');
  foreach ($languages as $key =>
  $value) { if ($value['active'] == 0) { $lg = $value['language_code']; $href =
  $value['url']; break; } } ?>
  <a class="" href="<?php echo $href; ?>">
    <span><?php echo $lg; ?></span>

Access wordpress backend and go to Appearance and then choose Editor .. You should be able to add CSS or modify existing from here.访问 wordpress 后端并转到外观,然后选择编辑器 .. 您应该能够从这里添加 CSS 或修改现有的。 Just make sure a backup of the entire file text before modification... Just in case.只需确保在修改前备份整个文件文本...以防万一。 Use the same technique on the live site.. You do not need to setup local environment.在现场使用相同的技术。您不需要设置本地环境。

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