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[英]Flutter : Add Drag and drop anywhere widget in stack widget dynamically

How can we dynamically add drag and drop anywhere widget in flutter?我们如何在flutter中动态添加拖放小部件? Here is what I tried to implement.这是我试图实现的。 Suggest changes to solve the problem or suggest the proper method to implement it.建议更改以解决问题或建议实施它的正确方法。

The problem I need to solve is that the canvasItemObj.x and canvasItemObj.y variables are updating according to t the dragUpdate.我需要解决的问题是canvasItemObj.x 和canvasItemObj.y 变量正在根据dragUpdate 进行更新。 But the position of the widget is not updating.但是小部件的位置没有更新。 ( top and left parameters of the Positioned() widget ) Positioned() 小部件的顶部左侧参数)

Here is the CanvasItemProps class for holding a widget and its properties.这是用于保存小部件及其属性的CanvasItemProps类。

class CanvasItemProps {
  Widget canvasItem;
  double x = 0, y = 0, dx, dy;
  double scale = 1;
  Color color;

canvasItemProps holds the list of CanvasItemProps canvasItemProps保存CanvasItemProps的列表

List<CanvasItemProps> canvasItemProps = [];

I have a flatbutton which onPressed execute the following:我有一个平面按钮,它 onPressed 执行以下操作:

var canvasItemObj = CanvasItemProps();

canvasItemObj.canvasItem = Positioned(
                  left: canvasItemObj.x,
                  top: canvasItemObj.y,
                  child: GestureDetector(
                    child: Text(
                      textScaleFactor: 5,
                    onVerticalDragUpdate: (dragDetails) {
                      setState(() {
                        canvasItemObj.y = dragDetails.localPosition.dy;
                        canvasItemObj.x = dragDetails.localPosition.dx;

              addTextController.text = "";
              setState(() {});

In build function there is a Stack:在构建函数中有一个堆栈:

               Text("No Item"):

The following getCanvasItem function returns the list of widget to pass to the Stack widget以下getCanvasItem函数返回要传递给 Stack 小部件的小部件列表

List<Widget> getCanvasItem() {
    List<Widget> list = [];

    for (int i = 0; i < canvasItemProps.length; i++) {
    return list;

On the other hand, this works fine when I am dealing with only one widget that is not dynamically added(x and y are two variables declared in the scope and are initialized to 0.)另一方面,当我只处理一个不是动态添加的小部件时,这很好用(x 和 y 是在作用域中声明的两个变量,并被初始化为 0。)

double x=0,y=0;

widget is as follows:小部件如下:

            margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(50, 100, 90, 100),
            color: Colors.yellow,
            child: Stack(
            children: <Widget>[
            top: y,
            left: x,
            child: GestureDetector(
              onVerticalDragUpdate: (v){
                setState(() {
                  x = v.localPosition.dx;
                  y = v.localPosition.dy;

The issue is the Top and Left parameters are final so you cant change the values.问题是 Top 和 Left 参数是最终的,所以你不能改变这些值。 But instead, you should reinitialize the positioned widget each time with the updated values.但是,您应该每次使用更新后的值重新初始化定位的小部件。

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