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动画样式 CSS 到 ReactJS 样式变量

[英]Animation style CSS to ReactJS style variables

I need this CSS line:我需要这个 CSS 行:

     animation: typewriter 2.5s steps(25) 1s 1 normal both,
                blinkTextCursor 650ms steps(25) infinite normal;

To make it into a ReactJS variable style as I need to change the steps and seconds dynamically depending on the size of the text prop.为了使其成为 ReactJS 变量样式,因为我需要根据文本道具的大小动态更改步骤和秒数。

const getAnimationStyle = (duration, steps, blinkCursorDuration) => {
  // returns the css style as a js object
  return {
    animation: `typewriter ${duration}s steps(${steps}) 1s 1 normal both`,
   'blinkTextCursor' : `${blinkCursorDuration}ms steps(${steps}) infinite normal`

// set style in element
<div style={getAnimationStyle()}></div>

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