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如何在 Svelte 组件中接收任意道具并传递给子组件?

[英]How can I receive arbitrary props in a Svelte component and pass to a child component?

I want to receive arbitrary props from "above" and spread them onto an <input> , as shown here where inputProps would become an object containing any additional props set on this component (similar to python's **kwargs , in case you're familiar):我想从“above”接收任意道具并将它们传播到<input> ,如下所示,其中inputProps将成为包含在此组件上设置的任何其他道具的对象(类似于 python 的**kwargs ,以防你熟悉):

export let id;
export ...inputProps;

    id: {id}
    <input {...inputProps} />

Can you point me toward the correct Svelte mechanism for accomplishing something like this?你能指出正确的 Svelte 机制来完成这样的事情吗? I have a feeling that I'm asking the wrong question, but I need a svelte developer to set me straight.我有一种感觉,我问错了问题,但我需要一个苗条的开发人员来纠正我。 Should I use a slot instead?我应该改用插槽吗? Or learn about actions / "the use directive"?或者了解操作/“使用指令”?

You can use $$props to access all the props given to a component.你可以使用$$props来访问所有赋予组件的 props。

$$props references all props that are passed to a component – including ones that are not declared with export . $$props引用所有传递给组件的 props——包括那些没有用export声明的 props。 It is useful in rare cases, but not generally recommended, as it is difficult for Svelte to optimise.它在极少数情况下很有用,但通常不推荐使用,因为 Svelte 很难优化。

Example ( REPL )示例 ( REPL )

<!-- App.svelte -->
  import Child from './Child.svelte';

<Child id="foo" placeholder="bar" />

<!-- Child.svelte -->
  let id, inputProps;
  $: ({ id, ...inputProps } = $$props);

  id: {id}
  <input {...inputProps} />

Svelte now also offers $$restProps . Svelte 现在还提供$$restProps See the Svelte API Docs - Attributes and props .请参阅Svelte API 文档 - 属性和道具

$$props references all props that are passed to a component – including ones that are not declared with export. $$props引用所有传递给组件的 props——包括那些没有用 export 声明的 props。 It is useful in rare cases, but not generally recommended, as it is difficult for Svelte to optimise.它在极少数情况下很有用,但通常不推荐使用,因为 Svelte 很难优化。

<Widget {...$$props}/>

$$restProps contains only the props which are not declared with export. $$restProps仅包含未通过导出声明的道具。 It can be used to pass down other unknown attributes to an element in a component.它可用于将其他未知属性传递给组件中的元素。

<input {...$$restProps}>

While exporting you don't need to use the spread operator导出时您不需要使用扩展运算符

 export let id;
 export inputProps;

 id: {id}
 <input {...inputProps} />

Working example with some sample code带有一些示例代码的工作示例


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