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Kendo-react-ui TreeList 如何自定义不同层级的单元格?

[英]Kendo-react-ui TreeList how to customize cells on the different levels of hierarhy?

class TableCell extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const { dataItem, field } = this.props

    const cellData = this.getFieldValue(dataItem, field)

    const { participantType } = dataItem
    let styles = { position: 'relative' }

    switch (participantType) {
      case 'direct':
        styles = {
          fontSize: '14px',
      case 'indirect':
        styles = {
          fontSize: '14px',
          fontStyle: 'italic',
      case 'addressable':
        styles = {
          fontSize: '13px',
          fontStyle: 'italic',

    return (
      <td style={styles}>

It's work with columns that didn't expandable.它适用于不可扩展的列。 If i use with ' expandable ' column it's restyling, but expand/collapse behaviour is overrited and arrow for expanding disappearing.如果我使用“可扩展”列,它会重新设计样式,但会覆盖扩展/折叠行为,并且用于扩展的箭头消失。

Is there possibilities to customize cells another way??是否有可能以另一种方式自定义单元格?

There answer that helps me is TreeList prop rowRender .有帮助我的答案是 TreeList 道具rowRender

rowRender? (row: ReactElement<HTMLTableRowElement>, props: TreeListRowProps) => React.ReactNode

It helps me to styling all cells in a row according to data of a row.它帮助我根据一行的数据对一行中的所有单元格进行样式设置。 It's possible to override current row using React.cloneElement and add some additional props like style .可以使用 React.cloneElement 覆盖当前行并添加一些额外的道具,如style

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