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UIPath - 没有 Orchestrator 的调度

[英]UIPath - Schedule without Orchestrator

Im working at a company where we are currently implementing RPA as a part of a pilotproject.我在一家公司工作,我们目前正在该公司实施 RPA 作为试点项目的一部分。

We are looking into purchasing the correct licenses from a consultancy, but there are one thing we can't seem to get solid information on.我们正在考虑从咨询公司购买正确的许可证,但有一件事我们似乎无法获得可靠的信息。

We need to schedule unattended robots, and from what I can see, that is possible through Windows Task Scheduler.我们需要安排无人值守的机器人,据我所知,这可以通过 Windows 任务计划程序实现。 However, the consultancy thinks that 'workaround' has been shut down by UIPath, so it is now only possible to schedule through the Orchestrator.但是,该咨询公司认为 UIPath 已关闭“解决方法”,因此现在只能通过 Orchestrator 进行调度。

But from our perspective, we only have few processes that will take up about 10% of a robots capacity, making it a bit overkill to get the Orchestrator right away.但从我们的角度来看,我们只有很少的进程会占用机器人容量的 10% 左右,这使得立即获得 Orchestrator 有点过头了。 We would like to wait until we have 'filled up' the robot some more, as the Orchestrator license is very expensive.我们希望等到我们再“填满”机器人,因为 Orchestrator 许可证非常昂贵。

The question is: Is it still possible to schedule UIPath processes through Windows Task Scheduler, using the newest version of UIPath?问题是:是否仍然可以使用最新版本的 UIPath 通过 Windows 任务计划程序来安排 UIPath 进程? Or is it neccesarry for us to also purchase the Orchastrator along with the Studio and Unattended robot licence?或者我们是否需要同时购买 Orchastrator 以及 Studio 和无人值守机器人许可证?

Hope the question is clear enough希望问题足够清楚

Thank you in advance.先感谢您。 Oliver奥利弗

It's possible, but hasn't been officially supported by UiPath for some time.这是可能的,但有一段时间没有得到 UiPath 的正式支持。 You can use the following command in a batch file and then schedule that batch file through the Windows Task Scheduler.您可以在批处理文件中使用以下命令,然后通过 Windows 任务计划程序计划该批处理文件。

UiRobot.exe -file C:\\<name of nupkg package>

Here is a link to the UiForum post where UiPath explains how to go about doing this. 是 UiForum 帖子的链接,其中 UiPath 解释了如何执行此操作。

If you only have a few robots you may consider connecting them to the new UiPath Cloud Orchestrator platform, this saves you the hassle of having your own or paying for it.如果您只有几个机器人,您可以考虑将它们连接到新的 UiPath Cloud Orchestrator 平台,这样您就可以省去拥有自己或付费的麻烦。 Unless you do that Unattended robots without Orchestrator are not really a thing and new (19.10) Attended robots have a scheduler built-in with the new Agent除非你这样做,没有 Orchestrator 的无人值守机器人并不是真正的东西,新的 (19.10) 无人值守机器人在新的代理中内置了一个调度程序

You are correct that information is lacking.你是对的,缺乏信息。 Even the UiPath rep who sold us our platform insinuated a copy of Orchestrator was required.甚至向我们出售我们平台的 UiPath 代表也暗示需要 Orchestrator 的副本。 It's not.它不是。 Assuming you have robot license(s), you can publish your process to robot machine(s) and run by calling uirobot.exe with windows task scheduler and specifying your process's project.json file.假设您有机器人许可证,您可以将您的流程发布到机器人机器并通过使用 Windows 任务调度程序调用 uirobot.exe 并指定您的流程的 project.json 文件来运行。

See the "important" box here.请参阅此处的“重要”框。 https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/about-the-projectjson-file https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/about-the-projectjson-file

Currently I'm using UiPath Studio Community Edition Version 19.10.2.目前我使用的是 UiPath Studio 社区版 19.10.2 版。
Please try the steps below.请尝试以下步骤。
1. Get UiRobot.exe path. 1.获取UiRobot.exe路径。

2. Create Batch file. 2. 创建批处理文件。

"UiRobot.exe path from step 1 above" - file "Workflow path"

For example:例如:

"C:\Users\AkkapolK\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-19.10.2\UiRobot.exe" -file "C:\~Akkapolki\Project\Robotic Process Automation\UiPath\Test\WindowsTaskScheduler00001\Main.xaml"
  1. Create Task on Windows Task Scheduler.在 Windows 任务计划程序上创建任务。
    Action: Start a program行动:启动一个程序
    Program/script: The Batch file path from step 2 above.程序/脚本:上述第 2 步中的批处理文件路径。

Code project: Robotic-Process-Automation-UiPath-Test-WindowsTaskScheduler00001代码项目: Robotic-Process-Automation-UiPath-Test-WindowsTaskScheduler00001

You could also try using an older version of UiPath Studio where the Windows Task Scheduler is again working with.您也可以尝试使用旧版本的 UiPath Studio, Windows 任务计划程序再次使用该版本

You can download thosehere :你可以在这里下载: 在此处输入图片说明

About policy:关于政策:

In terms of sales policy, UiPath does not sell unattended robot licenses without Orchestrator在销售政策方面,UiPath 不销售没有 Orchestrator 的无人值守机器人许可证

About small scale deployments:关于小规模部署:

As mentioned by Ilya, you probably want to have a look at the Cloud Platform, which should be a much more affordable option to use Orchestrator for a few unattended robots.正如 Ilya 所提到的,您可能想看看 Cloud Platform,对于一些无人值守的机器人,使用 Orchestrator 应该是一个更实惠的选择。

Note that the value of Orchestrator is much more than just scheduling processes, you gain access to assets, queues, logging, and more.请注意,Orchestrator 的价值不仅仅是调度进程,您还可以访问资产、队列、日志记录等。

About running processes from the Robot command:关于从 Robot 命令运行进程:

2 ways to do this 2 种方法来做到这一点

  1. is the one mentioned by many others in this thread, which is the legacy (-f or --file ) to run a file是该线程中许多其他人提到的那个,这是运行文件的遗留(-f 或 --file )
  2. is the more modern approach (-p or --process ) that targets a process name (any of these you can see in your Robot Agent or UiPath Assistant)是针对进程名称的更现代的方法(-p 或 --process )(您可以在机器人代理或 UiPath 助手中看到的任何一个)

Both are documented here:两者都记录在此处:

https://docs.uipath.com/robot/docs/arguments-description#section-the-execute-command https://docs.uipath.com/robot/docs/arguments-description#section-the-execute-command

But please bear in mind that you want to be careful about how you leverage these options: Beyond what is technically possible, there are also legal obligations that come with each license types.但请记住,您要谨慎对待如何利用这些选项:除了技术上可行的方法外,每种许可证类型还具有法律义务。

Since using commands to start processes opens the door to starting unattended processes, this assumes that you are using an unattended license.由于使用命令启动进程打开了启动无人值守进程的大门,因此假设您使用的是无人值守许可证。 Using commands to start processes on a robot activated with an attended license may or may not breach the EULA.在使用有人照管的许可证激活的机器人上使用命令启动进程可能会也可能不会违反 EULA。

2 concrete examples: 2个具体例子:

  • starting a process via command on an attended robot upon login is OK: the process is triggered by the action of the user logging in and for whom the robot is licensed登录时通过有人值守机器人上的命令启动流程是可以的:该流程由登录的用户的操作触发,并且机器人已获得许可
  • starting a process via command in a time trigger of the Windows Task Scheduler on an attended robot is NOT OK: the trigger is not a direct action of the user, therefore an unattended license is needed在有人值守的机器人上通过 Windows 任务计划程序的时间触发器中的命令启动进程是不正确的:触发器不是用户的直接操作,因此需要无人值守许可证

Community users have a lot more flexibility in this regard, but EULA breach is no joke for companies.社区用户在这方面有更大的灵活性,但违反 EULA 对公司来说不是开玩笑。

Support is yet another topic, but this answer is already long enough.支持是另一个话题,但这个答案已经足够长了。

Ilya, new attended robot agent has a build in scheduler, but this doesn't mean that processes will be triggered automatically. Ilya,新的有人值守机器人代理内置了调度程序,但这并不意味着进程将自动触发。 This scheduler will be just a reminder and user will still have to run robot by himself.这个调度器只是一个提醒,用户仍然需要自己运行机器人。 Attended robots are run by the human, this is the only difference between attended and unatended uipath robots.有人值守的机器人由人类运行,这是有人值守和无人值守的 uipath 机器人之间的唯一区别。

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