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如果所有值都匹配 R 中的条件,则选择行

[英]Selecting rows if all values match criteria in R

I have a data frame in R called records .我在R有一个名为records的数据框。 Here is an extract of that dataframe:这是该数据帧的摘录:


     2B2_pyr_hor 2B3_pyr_hor 3A1_pyr_hor 3A2_pyr_hor 3A3_pyr_hor
3760    22.45732    21.63635    24.36742    20.11058    28.10608
3761    33.81917    31.96332    36.45907    29.76239    41.94274
3762    47.38274    44.32909    51.10520    41.49609    57.54125
3763    62.47752    58.20380    67.02381    54.71055    74.55541
3764    78.17504    73.55406    83.88879    69.30802    92.57984
3905    90.84730    94.72380    89.43837   106.69484    81.44858

I want to extract all the rows where all the values are <100 but when I do records=records[records<100,] , it seems I get all the rows where at least one value is less <100 .我想提取所有行,所有的值都<100 ,但是当我做records=records[records<100,]看来我得到的所有的行,其中至少一个值小于<100

So in this example, I do not want row with index=3905 yet I still get it.所以在这个例子中,我不想要index=3905行,但我仍然得到它。 (The above extract is after I applied records=records[records<100,] ) (以上摘录是在我应用后records=records[records<100,]

Nothing in my first past searches have produced any useful solutions unfortunately.不幸的是,我过去的第一次搜索没有产生任何有用的解决方案。 It must be something simple that I am missing somewhere?一定是我在某个地方遗漏了一些简单的东西?

We can use rowSums我们可以使用rowSums

df[rowSums(df < 100) == ncol(df), ]
#Alternative version : 
#df[rowSums(df >= 100) == 0, ]

#     2B2_pyr_hor 2B3_pyr_hor 3A1_pyr_hor 3A2_pyr_hor 3A3_pyr_hor
#3760        22.5        21.6        24.4        20.1        28.1
#3761        33.8        32.0        36.5        29.8        41.9
#3762        47.4        44.3        51.1        41.5        57.5
#3763        62.5        58.2        67.0        54.7        74.6
#3764        78.2        73.6        83.9        69.3        92.6

Or with lapply and Reduce或者使用lapplyReduce

df[Reduce(`&`, lapply(df, `<`, 100)), ]


df <- structure(list(`2B2_pyr_hor` = c(22.45732, 33.81917, 47.38274, 
62.47752, 78.17504, 90.8473), `2B3_pyr_hor` = c(21.63635, 31.96332, 
44.32909, 58.2038, 73.55406, 94.7238), `3A1_pyr_hor` = c(24.36742, 
36.45907, 51.1052, 67.02381, 83.88879, 89.43837), `3A2_pyr_hor` = c(20.11058, 
29.76239, 41.49609, 54.71055, 69.30802, 106.69484), `3A3_pyr_hor` = c(28.10608, 
41.94274, 57.54125, 74.55541, 92.57984, 81.44858)), class = "data.frame", 
row.names = c("3760","3761", "3762", "3763", "3764", "3905"))

You can use apply and all to select rows where all values are below 100 .您可以使用applyall来选择所有值都低于 100 的行

records[apply(records<100, 1, all),]
#     X2B2_pyr_hor X2B3_pyr_hor X3A1_pyr_hor X3A2_pyr_hor X3A3_pyr_hor
#3760     22.45732     21.63635     24.36742     20.11058     28.10608
#3761     33.81917     31.96332     36.45907     29.76239     41.94274
#3762     47.38274     44.32909     51.10520     41.49609     57.54125
#3763     62.47752     58.20380     67.02381     54.71055     74.55541
#3764     78.17504     73.55406     83.88879     69.30802     92.57984

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