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[英]Upgraded Infragistics and my application is not allowing Ultrawingrid to be editable anymore

I have an application that uses the Ultra Win Grid and has a column with a check box in it. 我有一个使用Ultra Win Grid的应用程序,其中有一个带有复选框的列。 It used to be that when I clicked on the check box it would allow you to edit it but now you can't. 过去,当我单击复选框时,它允许您对其进行编辑,但现在您不能。

Already checked and I am setting CellClickAction to Edit and CellActivation to allow edit. 已经检查,我将CellClickAction设置为Edit,将CellActivation设置为允许编辑。

I used to be using 6.3 and upgraded to 9.1. 我曾经使用6.3并升级到9.1。 The problem started as soon I changed the application to reference they new assemblies. 从我更改应用程序以引用它们的新程序集开始,问题就开始了。

Had a OnMouseDown event handler that was put in to make it so when you right clicked on a row that row would be selected. 拥有一个OnMouseDown事件处理程序,可以使它正常运行,因此当您右键单击某行时,将选择该行。 At some point this was changed to not just handle right clicks but any click. 在某些时候,它已更改为不仅可以处理右键单击,还可以处理任何单击。 Apparently, selecting the row interfered with the check box being edited. 显然,选择该行会干扰正在编辑的复选框。

Fix was to change it to only be on right click. 解决方法是将其更改为仅在右键单击上。

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