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Python - gphoto2 如何找出函数的作用?

[英]Python - gphoto2 How to figure out what a function does?

I am playing around with gphoto2 and I found that camera object has a public function file_get_info() .我在玩 gphoto2,我发现camera对象有一个公共函数file_get_info() I would like to know:我想知道:

  1. what this function does这个函数是做什么的
  2. how to call it怎么称呼

But so far I have failed to find any information about it.但到目前为止,我还没有找到任何关于它的信息。

This is what I do:这就是我所做的:

import gphoto2 as gp

portInfoList = gp.PortInfoList()
abilitiesList = gp.CameraAbilitiesList()
cams = abilitiesList.detect(portInfoList)

for name, addr in cams:
    print("%s at port %s"%(name, addr))
    idx = portInfoList.lookup_path(addr)
    camera = gp.Camera()

This is what I get:这就是我得到的:

TypeError: Camera_file_get_info expected at least 2 arguments, got 0

What is even more frustrating is that no matter how hard I google I cannot find anything about the Camera_file_get_info function.更令人沮丧的是,无论我如何用谷歌搜索,我都找不到有关Camera_file_get_info函数的任何信息。

Am I approaching this wrong?我接近这个错误吗?

The file_get_info method on a Camera object is a more Pythonic version of the libgphoto2 function gp_camera_file_get_info . Camera对象上的file_get_info方法是 libgphoto2 函数gp_camera_file_get_info Pythonic 版本。 This would be a better term for web searching.这将是网络搜索的更好术语。

There are several ways to get the information you're looking for.有多种方法可以获取您要查找的信息。 Like other Python modules you can use pydoc:像其他 Python 模块一样,您可以使用 pydoc:

pydoc3 gphoto2.Camera.file_get_info

Help on method_descriptor in gphoto2.Camera:

gphoto2.Camera.file_get_info = file_get_info(...)
    file_get_info(char const * folder, char const * file, Context context)

    Retrieves information about a file.  

    * `camera` :  
        a Camera  
    * `folder` :  
        a folder  
    * `file` :  
        the name of the file  
    * `info` :  
    * `context` :  
        a GPContext  

    a gphoto2 error code

    See also gphoto2.gp_camera_file_get_info

This is taken from the "C" documentation, so the parameter list is a bit confusing - info is a parameter in the C version but not in Python.这是取自“C”文档,因此参数列表有点混乱 - info是 C 版本中的参数,但不是 Python 中的参数。 The two parameters you need are folder and file - these tell the function which file you want information about.你需要的两个参数是folderfile ——它们告诉函数你想要关于哪个文件的信息。

You might prefer to use the C documentation directly: http://www.gphoto.org/doc/api/gphoto2-camera_8h.html#adda54321b1947b711d345936041f80c7 This includes a link to the info structure.您可能更喜欢直接使用 C 文档: http : //www.gphoto.org/doc/api/gphoto2-camera_8h.html#adda54321b1947b711d345936041f80c7这包括指向info结构的链接。

Finally, the list-files.py example program included in python-gphoto2 shows a use of file_get_info .最后, python-gphoto2中包含的list-files.py示例程序展示了file_get_info的用法。

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