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CCS/MSP430FR6989:捕获/比较中断不适用于 HR-S04 超声波传感器

[英]CCS/MSP430FR6989: Capture/Compare Interrupt not working with HR-S04 Ultrasonic Sensor

I am currently trying to interface the HR-S04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the MSP430FR6989.我目前正在尝试将 HR-S04 超声波距离传感器连接到 MSP430FR6989。 I have found several times over where the code has been written, yet the code that supposedly works for others will not work for me.我已经多次发现代码的编写位置,但据称对其他人有效的代码对我却不起作用。 One difference between my scenario and the scenario that others are seen using is that I do not have an external LCD that I am printing to, and instead I am either trying to display the output to the onboard LCD on the Launchpad, or (since that didn't work for me) I am attempting to write it to the terminal via UART.我的场景与其他人使用的场景之间的一个区别是,我没有要打印到的外部 LCD,而是尝试将输出显示到 Launchpad 上的板载 LCD,或者(从那时起)对我不起作用)我试图通过 UART 将它写入终端。 Below is my code, as well as my guesses to what could potentially be the issue(s):以下是我的代码,以及我对可能存在问题的猜测:

The idea for the program is that the "low time" is compared to the "high time".该计划的想法是将“低谷时间”与“高谷时间”进行比较。 This should be done by storing the TA0CCR0 value for the rising and falling edge for each occurrence on the interrupt and do basic arithmetic with those two values.这应该通过存储每次中断发生的上升沿和下降沿的 TA0CCR0 值并使用这两个值进行基本算术来完成。

#include <msp430fr6989.h>

#define redLED BIT0
#define greenLED BIT7

#define US_TRIG         BIT4
#define US_ECHO         BIT5
#define US_MASK         US_TRIG | US_ECHO

#define FLAGS_TERM      UCA1IFG
#define RXFLAG          UCRXIFG
#define TXFLAG          UCTXIFG

unsigned int up_counter = 0,down_counter, distance_cm = 0, count = 0;

void initialize_TERM_UART(void)
    P3SEL1 &= ~ (BIT4|BIT5);
    P3SEL0 |= (BIT4|BIT5);
    UCA1CTLW0 |= UCSSEL_2;
    UCA1BRW = 8;
    UCA1MCTLW &= ~UCOS16;

void uart_write_char_TERM(unsigned char ch)
    // Wait for any ongoing transmission to complete
    while ( (FLAGS_TERM & TXFLAG)==0 ) {}
    // Write the byte to the transmit buffer

void uart_digit_sep_TERM(unsigned int n)
    unsigned int digit;
    if (n >= 10000)
            digit = (n/10000) % 10;
            uart_write_char_TERM(digit + '0');
    if (n >= 1000)
            digit = (n/1000) % 10;
            uart_write_char_TERM(digit + '0');
    if (n >= 100)
        digit = (n/100) % 10;
        uart_write_char_TERM(digit + '0');
    if (n >= 10)
        digit = (n/10) % 10;
        uart_write_char_TERM(digit + '0');

    digit = (n % 10);
    uart_write_char_TERM(digit + '0');
    uart_write_char_TERM(' ');

#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void TimerA0(void)
    P1OUT ^= redLED;
    P9OUT ^= greenLED;
    if (TA0CCTL0 & CCI)            // Raising edge
        up_counter = TA0CCR0;      // Copy counter to variable
    else                        // Falling edge
        // Formula: Distance in cm = (Time in uSec)/58
        distance_cm = (TA0CCR0 - up_counter)/58;
    TA0CCTL0 &= ~CCIFG;
    TA0CTL &= ~TAIFG;           // Clear interrupt flag - handled
void timer_init()
    /* Timer A0 configure to read echo signal:
    Timer A Capture/Compare Control 0 =>
    capture mode: 1 - both edges +
    capture synchronize +
    capture input select 0 => P1.5 +
    capture mode +
    capture compare interrupt enable */
    TA0CCTL0 |= CM_3 + SCS + CCIS_0 + CAP + CCIE;
    TA0CCTL0 &= ~ CCIFG;

    /* Timer A Control configuration =>
    Timer A clock source select: 1 - SMClock +
    Timer A mode control: 2 - Continous up +
    Timer A clock input divider 0 - No divider */
    TA0CTL |= TASSEL_2 + MC_2 + ID_0;

int main()
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;       // Stop Watch Dog Timer
    PM5CTL0 &=  ~LOCKLPM5;

    P1DIR |= redLED + US_TRIG;
    P9DIR |= greenLED;
    P1OUT &= ~(redLED | US_TRIG) ;
    P9OUT |= greenLED;

    P1DIR &= ~US_ECHO;        // Input direction for echo from sensor
    P1SEL1 |= US_ECHO;                // set US_ECHO as trigger for Timer from Port-1
    P1SEL0 |= US_ECHO;

    // Initialize timer for Ultrasonice distance sensing

    while (1)
        // measuring the distance
        P1OUT |= US_TRIG;                 // assert
        __delay_cycles(15);                 // 10us wide
        P1OUT &= ~US_TRIG;                 // deassert
        //__delay_cycles(60000);            // 60ms measurement cycle
        __delay_cycles(500000);             // 0.5sec measurement cycle


When I run the above code with hardware breakpoints set within TimerA0(void) ISR, the breakpoints are never triggered as the program never enters the ISR.当我在 TimerA0(void) ISR 内设置硬件断点的情况下运行上述代码时,断点永远不会触发,因为程序永远不会进入 ISR。
This is my first time using a capture/compare interrupt and so my first thought is that it is possible that I configured the interrupt/timer incorrectly—but this is curious as various others have posted on similar sites saying that the code works for them.这是我第一次使用捕获/比较中断,所以我的第一个想法是我可能错误地配置了中断/定时器——但这很奇怪,因为其他人在类似的网站上发布了代码,说代码适用于他们。
Another idea that I had is that perhaps my timer configuration and UART configuration clash somehow, but that shouldn't affect whether or not the ISR is triggered or not.我的另一个想法是,我的定时器配置和 UART 配置可能会以某种方式发生冲突,但这不应该影响 ISR 是否被触发。
Not sure if it helps or not but I'm running CCS on OSX 10.10.5不确定它是否有帮助,但我在 OSX 10.10.5 上运行 CCS

I ran the program on a different sensor (I bought them in bulk) and the program works flawlessly.我在不同的传感器上运行该程序(我是批量购买的)并且该程序运行完美。 It should be noted that when you buy a bunch of sensors at a discounted rate they will not all be functional.应该注意的是,当您以折扣价购买一堆传感器时,它们不会全部起作用。

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