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如何从不同的类中获取一个函数来调用在 Main 中声明的对象?

[英]How can i get a function from a different class to call an object declared in Main?

I am making a tictactoe game and would like the function for a player turn to access objects i declared in main and other functions how could i do that?我正在制作一个 tictactoe 游戏,并希望玩家的函数可以访问我在 main 和其他函数中声明的对象,我该怎么做?

void Player1Turn::player1Turn() {

char num;
cin >> num;

if (num == '1')
    board[0][0] = { xo1 };

For example how could i get board to change the values of gameboard?例如,我怎样才能让棋盘改变游戏棋盘的值?

int main()

    Setup setup;
    Gameboard gameboard;
    Player1Turn player1turn;


    return 0;

If this is not enough code I could provide more如果这还不够代码,我可以提供更多

You could add a reference to the specific Gameboard as an argument to the player1Turn member function.您可以添加对特定Gameboard的引用作为player1Turn成员函数的参数。 So, assuming your Gameboard class has a board[][] member, it would look something like this:所以,假设你的Gameboard类有一个board[][]成员,它看起来像这样:

void Player1Turn::player1Turn(Gameboard& gb)
    char num;
    cin >> num;

    if (num == '1')
        gb.board[0][0] = { xo1 }; // Exact code will depend on your "Gameboard" definition.

And your call from main would be like this:你从main调用将是这样的:

int main()
    Setup setup;
    Gameboard gameboard;
    Player1Turn player1turn;

    player1turn.player1Turn(gameboard); // Argument is the Gameboard to work on.

    return 0;

There are many other ways to achieve this, though, but I can't really suggest anything more/better without more details of your various classes.不过,还有许多其他方法可以实现这一点,但是如果没有有关各种课程的更多详细信息,我真的无法提出更多/更好的建议。 Another way, as suggested in the comment by Nico Schertler , would be to have the reference to Gameboard as a "data" member in the Player1Turn class and pass the reference in its constructor.另一种方式,如建议由尼科Schertler评论,是有参考Gameboard作为一个“数据”成员Player1Turn类,并通过在其构造参考。

Feel free to ask for further clarification and/or explanation.随时要求进一步澄清和/或解释。

PS: Your use of the three names, "Player1Turn" (for the class), "player1Turn" (for the member function) and "player1turn" (for the specific object in main ) is extremely prone to typing errors! PS:您使用“Player1Turn”(对于类)、“player1Turn”(对于成员函数)和“player1turn”(对于main的特定对象)三个名称的使用极易出现打字错误! You should seriously consider a better naming scheme!!你应该认真考虑一个更好的命名方案!!

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