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[英]Compare two objects' properties to find differences?

I have two objects of the same type, and I want to loop through the public properties on each of them and alert the user about which properties don't match.我有两个相同类型的对象,我想遍历每个对象的公共属性,并提醒用户哪些属性不匹配。

Is it possible to do this without knowing what properties the object contains?是否可以在不知道对象包含哪些属性的情况下执行此操作?

Yes, with reflection - assuming each property type implements Equals appropriately.是的,使用反射 - 假设每个属性类型都适当地实现了Equals An alternative would be to use ReflectiveEquals recursively for all but some known types, but that gets tricky.另一种方法是对除某些已知类型之外的所有类型递归使用ReflectiveEquals ,但这会变得棘手。

public bool ReflectiveEquals(object first, object second)
    if (first == null && second == null)
        return true;
    if (first == null || second == null)
        return false;
    Type firstType = first.GetType();
    if (second.GetType() != firstType)
        return false; // Or throw an exception
    // This will only use public properties. Is that enough?
    foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in firstType.GetProperties())
        if (propertyInfo.CanRead)
            object firstValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(first, null);
            object secondValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(second, null);
            if (!object.Equals(firstValue, secondValue))
                return false;
    return true;

Sure you can with reflection.当然你可以通过反射。 Here is the code to grab the properties off of a given type.这是从给定类型中获取属性的代码。

var info = typeof(SomeType).GetProperties();

If you can give more info on what you're comparing about the properties we can get together a basic diffing algorithmn.如果您可以提供有关您正在比较的属性的更多信息,我们可以汇总一个基本的差异算法。 This code for intstance will diff on names此实例代码将在名称上有所不同

public bool AreDifferent(Type t1, Type t2) {
  var list1 = t1.GetProperties().OrderBy(x => x.Name).Select(x => x.Name);
  var list2 = t2.GetProperties().OrderBy(x => x.Name).Select(x => x.Name);
  return list1.SequenceEqual(list2);

I know this is probably overkill, but here's my ObjectComparer class I use for this very purpose:我知道这可能有点矫枉过正,但这是我为此目的使用的 ObjectComparer 类:

/// <summary>
/// Utility class for comparing objects.
/// </summary>
public static class ObjectComparer
    /// <summary>
    /// Compares the public properties of any 2 objects and determines if the properties of each
    /// all contain the same value.
    /// <para> 
    /// In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
    /// we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
    /// completed on COMMON properties.
    /// (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
    /// both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Any class with public properties.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="object1">Object to compare to object2.</param>
    /// <param name="object2">Object to compare to object1.</param>
    /// <param name="propertyInfoList">A List of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects that contain data on the properties
    /// from object1 that are not equal to the corresponding properties of object2.</param>
    /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether or not the properties of each object match.</returns>
    public static bool GetDifferentProperties<T> ( T object1 , T object2 , out List<PropertyInfo> propertyInfoList )
        where T : class
        return GetDifferentProperties<T>( object1 , object2 , null , out propertyInfoList );

    /// <summary>
    /// Compares the public properties of any 2 objects and determines if the properties of each
    /// all contain the same value.
    /// <para> 
    /// In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
    /// we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
    /// completed on COMMON properties.
    /// (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
    /// both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Any class with public properties.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="object1">Object to compare to object2.</param>
    /// <param name="object2">Object to compare to object1.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoredProperties">A list of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects
    /// to ignore when completing the comparison.</param>
    /// <param name="propertyInfoList">A List of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects that contain data on the properties
    /// from object1 that are not equal to the corresponding properties of object2.</param>
    /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether or not the properties of each object match.</returns>
    public static bool GetDifferentProperties<T> ( T object1 , T object2 , List<PropertyInfo> ignoredProperties , out List<PropertyInfo> propertyInfoList )
        where T : class
        propertyInfoList = new List<PropertyInfo>();

        // If either object is null, we can't compare anything
        if ( object1 == null || object2 == null )
            return false;

        Type object1Type = object1.GetType();
        Type object2Type = object2.GetType();

        // In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
        // we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
        // completed on COMMON properties.
        // (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
        // both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
        if ( object1Type != object2Type )
            object1Type = typeof ( T );
            object2Type = typeof ( T );

        // Remove any properties to be ignored
        List<PropertyInfo> comparisonProps =
            RemoveProperties( object1Type.GetProperties() , ignoredProperties );

        foreach ( PropertyInfo object1Prop in comparisonProps )
            Type propertyType = null;
            object object1PropValue = null;
            object object2PropValue = null;

            // Rule out an attempt to check against a property which requires
            // an index, such as one accessed via this[]
            if ( object1Prop.GetIndexParameters().GetLength( 0 ) == 0 )
                // Get the value of each property
                object1PropValue = object1Prop.GetValue( object1 , null );
                object2PropValue = object2Type.GetProperty( object1Prop.Name ).GetValue( object2 , null );

                // As we are comparing 2 objects of the same type we know
                // that they both have the same properties, so grab the
                // first non-null value
                if ( object1PropValue != null )
                    propertyType = object1PropValue.GetType().GetInterface( "IComparable" );

                if ( propertyType == null )
                    if ( object2PropValue != null )
                        propertyType = object2PropValue.GetType().GetInterface( "IComparable" );

            // If both objects have null values or were indexed properties, don't continue
            if ( propertyType != null )
                // If one property value is null and the other is not null, 
                // they aren't equal; this is done here as a native CompareTo
                // won't work with a null value as the target
                if ( object1PropValue == null || object2PropValue == null )
                    propertyInfoList.Add( object1Prop );
                    // Use the native CompareTo method
                    MethodInfo nativeCompare = propertyType.GetMethod( "CompareTo" );

                    // Sanity Check:
                    // If we don't have a native CompareTo OR both values are null, we can't compare;
                    // hence, we can't confirm the values differ... just go to the next property
                    if ( nativeCompare != null )
                        // Return the native CompareTo result
                        bool equal = ( 0 == (int) ( nativeCompare.Invoke( object1PropValue , new object[] {object2PropValue} ) ) );

                        if ( !equal )
                            propertyInfoList.Add( object1Prop );
        return propertyInfoList.Count == 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Compares the public properties of any 2 objects and determines if the properties of each
    /// all contain the same value.
    /// <para> 
    /// In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
    /// we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
    /// completed on COMMON properties.
    /// (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
    /// both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Any class with public properties.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="object1">Object to compare to object2.</param>
    /// <param name="object2">Object to compare to object1.</param>
    /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether or not the properties of each object match.</returns>
    public static bool HasSamePropertyValues<T> ( T object1 , T object2 )
        where T : class
        return HasSamePropertyValues<T>( object1 , object2 , null );

    /// <summary>
    /// Compares the public properties of any 2 objects and determines if the properties of each
    /// all contain the same value.
    /// <para> 
    /// In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
    /// we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
    /// completed on COMMON properties.
    /// (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
    /// both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Any class with public properties.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="object1">Object to compare to object2.</param>
    /// <param name="object2">Object to compare to object1.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoredProperties">A list of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects
    /// to ignore when completing the comparison.</param>
    /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether or not the properties of each object match.</returns>
    public static bool HasSamePropertyValues<T> ( T object1 , T object2 , List<PropertyInfo> ignoredProperties )
        where T : class

        // If either object is null, we can't compare anything
        if ( object1 == null || object2 == null )
            return false;

        Type object1Type = object1.GetType();
        Type object2Type = object2.GetType();

        // In cases where object1 and object2 are of different Types (both being derived from Type T) 
        // we will cast both objects down to the base Type T to ensure the property comparison is only 
        // completed on COMMON properties.
        // (ex. Type T is Foo, object1 is GoodFoo and object2 is BadFoo -- both being inherited from Foo --
        // both objects will be cast to Foo for comparison)
        if ( object1Type != object2Type )
            object1Type = typeof ( T );
            object2Type = typeof ( T );

        // Remove any properties to be ignored
        List<PropertyInfo> comparisonProps =
            RemoveProperties( object1Type.GetProperties() , ignoredProperties );

        foreach ( PropertyInfo object1Prop in comparisonProps )
            Type propertyType = null;
            object object1PropValue = null;
            object object2PropValue = null;

            // Rule out an attempt to check against a property which requires
            // an index, such as one accessed via this[]
            if ( object1Prop.GetIndexParameters().GetLength( 0 ) == 0 )
                // Get the value of each property
                object1PropValue = object1Prop.GetValue( object1 , null );
                object2PropValue = object2Type.GetProperty( object1Prop.Name ).GetValue( object2 , null );

                // As we are comparing 2 objects of the same type we know
                // that they both have the same properties, so grab the
                // first non-null value
                if ( object1PropValue != null )
                    propertyType = object1PropValue.GetType().GetInterface( "IComparable" );

                if ( propertyType == null )
                    if ( object2PropValue != null )
                        propertyType = object2PropValue.GetType().GetInterface( "IComparable" );

            // If both objects have null values or were indexed properties, don't continue
            if ( propertyType != null )
                // If one property value is null and the other is not null, 
                // they aren't equal; this is done here as a native CompareTo
                // won't work with a null value as the target
                if ( object1PropValue == null || object2PropValue == null )
                    return false;

                // Use the native CompareTo method
                MethodInfo nativeCompare = propertyType.GetMethod( "CompareTo" );

                // Sanity Check:
                // If we don't have a native CompareTo OR both values are null, we can't compare;
                // hence, we can't confirm the values differ... just go to the next property
                if ( nativeCompare != null )
                    // Return the native CompareTo result
                    bool equal = ( 0 == (int) ( nativeCompare.Invoke( object1PropValue , new object[] {object2PropValue} ) ) );

                    if ( !equal )
                        return false;
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes any <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> object in the supplied List of 
    /// properties from the supplied Array of properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="allProperties">Array containing master list of 
    /// <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects.</param>
    /// <param name="propertiesToRemove">List of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects to
    /// remove from the supplied array of properties.</param>
    /// <returns>A List of <see cref="PropertyInfo"/> objects.</returns>
    private static List<PropertyInfo> RemoveProperties (
        IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> allProperties , IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> propertiesToRemove )
        List<PropertyInfo> innerPropertyList = new List<PropertyInfo>();

        // Add all properties to a list for easy manipulation
        foreach ( PropertyInfo prop in allProperties )
            innerPropertyList.Add( prop );

        // Sanity check
        if ( propertiesToRemove != null )
            // Iterate through the properties to ignore and remove them from the list of 
            // all properties, if they exist
            foreach ( PropertyInfo ignoredProp in propertiesToRemove )
                if ( innerPropertyList.Contains( ignoredProp ) )
                    innerPropertyList.Remove( ignoredProp );

        return innerPropertyList;

The real problem: How to get the difference of two sets?真正的问题:如何得到两组的差异?

The fastest way I've found is to convert the sets to dictionaries first, then diff 'em.我发现的最快方法是先将集合转换为字典,然后再进行比较。 Here's a generic approach:这是一个通用的方法:

static IEnumerable<T> DictionaryDiff<K, T>(Dictionary<K, T> d1, Dictionary<K, T> d2)
    return from x in d1 where !d2.ContainsKey(x.Key) select x.Value;

Then you can do something like this:然后你可以做这样的事情:

static public IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> PropertyDiff(Type t1, Type t2)
    var d1 = t1.GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name);
    var d2 = t2.GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name);
    return DictionaryDiff(d1, d2);

Yes.是的。 Use Reflection .使用反射 With Reflection, you can do things like:使用反射,您可以执行以下操作:

//given object of some type
object myObjectFromSomewhere;
Type myObjOriginalType = myObjectFromSomewhere.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] myProps = myObjOriginalType.GetProperties();

And then you can use the resulting PropertyInfo classes to compare all manner of things.然后您可以使用生成的 PropertyInfo 类来比较各种事物。

Comparing two objects of the same type using LINQ and Reflection.使用 LINQ 和反射比较相同类型的两个对象。 NB!注意! This is basically a rewrite of the solution from Jon Skeet, but with a more compact and modern syntax.这基本上是对 Jon Skeet 解决方案的重写,但具有更紧凑和现代的语法。 It should also generate slightly more effecticve IL.它还应该生成稍微更有效的 IL。

It goes something like this:它是这样的:

public bool ReflectiveEquals(LocalHdTicket serverTicket, LocalHdTicket localTicket)
     if (serverTicket == null && localTicket == null) return true;
     if (serverTicket == null || localTicket == null) return false;

     var firstType = serverTicket.GetType();
     // Handle type mismatch anyway you please:
     if(localTicket.GetType() != firstType) throw new Exception("Trying to compare two different object types!");

     return !(from propertyInfo in firstType.GetProperties() 
              where propertyInfo.CanRead 
              let serverValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(serverTicket, null) 
              let localValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(localTicket, null) 
              where !Equals(serverValue, localValue) 
              select serverValue).Any();

Type.GetProperties will list each of the properties of a given type. Type.GetProperties将列出给定类型的每个属性。 Then use PropertyInfo.GetValue to check the values.然后使用PropertyInfo.GetValue检查值。

As many mentioned the recursive approach, this is the function you can pass the searched name and the property to begin with to:正如许多人提到的递归方法,这是您可以传递搜索名称和属性以开始的函数:

    public static void loopAttributes(PropertyInfo prop, string targetAttribute, object tempObject)
        foreach (PropertyInfo nestedProp in prop.PropertyType.GetProperties())
            if(nestedProp.Name == targetAttribute)
                //found the matching attribute
            loopAttributes(nestedProp, targetAttribute, prop.GetValue(tempObject);

//in the main function
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in rootObject.GetType().GetProperties())
    loopAttributes(prop, targetAttribute, rootObject);

Compare NET Objects can help you!比较 NET 对象可以帮助您!

CompareLogic logic = new CompareLogic();
var compare = logic.Compare(obj1, obj2);
comparacao.Differences.ForEach(diff => Debug.Write(diff.PropertyName));
// Or formatted summary

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