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Gson 如何排除 JsonSerializer 中的某些字段

[英]Gson how to exclude some fields in JsonSerializer

I need only one field to change, another fields i want to have dafault value, but using this code i have only one field in the output - the one i write in JsonSerializer, but i need to have all field and only one for change.我只需要更改一个字段,另一个字段我想拥有 dafault 值,但是使用此代码我在输出中只有一个字段 - 我在 JsonSerializer 中编写的那个,但我需要拥有所有字段并且只有一个用于更改。 There is a method of property for this?有没有财产的方法?

GsonBuilder gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls();
gson.registerTypeAdapter(TripCardView.class, new JsonSerializer<TripCardView>() {
    public JsonElement serialize(TripCardView src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
        JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
        jObj.add("numberShortYear", new JsonPrimitive(src.getNumberShortYear()));
        return jObj;
jsonResponse.add("aaData", gson.setDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").create().toJsonTree(result));

Just few little changes, see comments in the code below:只是一些小改动,见下面代码中的注释:

gson.registerTypeAdapter(TripCardView.class, new JsonSerializer<TripCardView>() {
    // You need to create a new Gson in your serializer because calling original contex
    // would call this serializer again and cause stack overflow because of recursion
    private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").create();
    public JsonElement serialize(TripCardView src, Type typeOfSrc, 
                JsonSerializationContext context) {
        // You need to serialize the original object to have its fields populated 'default'
        JsonElement result = gson.toJsonTree(src);
        // After that it is just to add the extra field with value from method call
                new JsonPrimitive(src.getNumberShortYear()));
        return result;

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