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从 node.js 中的 xml 检索数据

[英]Retrive data from a xml in node.js

I have a xml request tags like this:我有一个像这样的 xml 请求标签:




i want to get the data from xmla tags like this我想从这样的 xmla 标签中获取数据

var name=john
var age=22

how i can parse the xml in node.js我如何解析 node.js 中的 xml

Id recommend looking into some NPM packages that solve this problem.我建议查看一些解决此问题的 NPM 包。

Having a look into some of the packages on NPM, this seems to be a very popular package to solve your problem:查看 NPM 上的一些包,这似乎是一个非常受欢迎的包来解决您的问题:

xml2js xml2js

This package has over 6 million downloads per week that suggests its both a capable package and one that will more than likely remain actively maintained.该软件包每周有超过600 万次下载,这表明它既是一个功能强大的软件包,又很可能保持积极维护。

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