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[英]Attempted to call function "yaml_parse_file" from the global namespace

I am new to Symfony, Facing problem while trying to run the cron job.我是 Symfony 的新手,在尝试运行 cron 作业时遇到问题。 I am really clueless, whats wrong here.我真的一无所知,这里有什么问题。 It seems that I am trying to access some functions present in app/config/functions.php from the global namespace, But I can't figure out which namespace is it.似乎我试图从全局命名空间访问app/config/functions.php functions.php 中存在的一些函数,但我无法弄清楚它是哪个命名空间。 Following is my code.以下是我的代码。


namespace App\Command;

use App\Services\Upcontent\Upcontent;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class UpcontentRefreshCommand extends Command
protected static $defaultName = 'app:upcontent-refresh';
private $upcontent;

public function __construct(Upcontent $upcontent)
    $this->upcontent = $upcontent;


protected function configure()


protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        'Upcontent Refresh',

    $output->writeln('Clearing Cache...');
    $output->writeln('Cache Cleared');

    $output->writeln('Refreshing Sports Topic...');
    $output->writeln('Loading, be patient...');
    $sports = $this->upcontent->getTopic('########');

        'End Upcontent Refresh',


The error occur when I run, php72 bin/console app:upcontent-refresh Please help.运行时出现错误, php72 bin/console app:upcontent-refresh请帮忙。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

You will probably have to update the "autoload"-section to make sure that your custom functions.php is loaded.您可能需要更新“自动加载”部分以确保加载了您的自定义 functions.php。

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4" {
            "App\\": "src/"
        "files": ["app/config/functions.php"]

You might also want to refactor that file to instead move the functions into some kind of service-class, eg like this:您可能还想重构该文件以将函数移动到某种服务类中,例如:

# src/Yaml/Parser.php

namespace App\Yaml;

class Parser
    public function parseFile(string $fileName)
        // The logic from your yaml_parse_file() inside your functions.php

Then in your command (or wherever you need your custom yaml parsing) inject the service:然后在您的命令中(或您需要自定义 yaml 解析的任何地方)注入服务:

use App\Yaml\Parser;

class MyService
    private $yamlParser;

    public function __construct(Parser $yamlParser)
        $this->yamlParser = $yamlParser;

    // ...
    public function something()

Since Symfony provides a Yaml-component, you might even want to use that instead.由于 Symfony 提供了一个 Yaml 组件,您甚至可能想要使用它。

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