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带有 ElementTree 的 Python XML 解析

[英]Python XML PArse with ElementTree

I have an XML file with the following format:我有一个具有以下格式的 XML 文件:


And I have tried the following code:我已经尝试了以下代码:

root = ET.fromstring(data_as_string)

    for version in root.iter('versions'):
       print version.attrib

But it is printing 'versioning' only N times...但它只打印了 N 次“版本控制”......

I'd like to be able to extract the latest version value from the highest numbered version tag which is 3. Any help please?我希望能够从编号为 3 的最高版本标签中提取最新版本值。请问有什么帮助吗?

Use this Python script:使用这个 Python 脚本:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET 
xml = ET.parse('input.xml')
last = xml.findall("versioning/versions/version[last()]")
if len(last) > 0:
  print last[0].text

Its output is它的输出是

3 3

which is the last version element.这是最后一个version元素。

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