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Terraform 0.12:提供者产生不一致的最终计划

[英]Terraform 0.12: Provider produced inconsistent final plan

I have a Terraform configuration which creates an aws_api_gateway_usage_plan resource, using a computed value during the apply stage from a local_file resource.我有创建一个Terraform配置aws_api_gateway_usage_plan资源,使用计算出的值在从应用阶段local_file资源。

resource "aws_api_gateway_usage_plan" "api_plan" {
  name         = var.usage_plan_name

  api_stages {
    api_id = jsondecode(file("dev.json")).resources[1].rest_api_id
    stage  = "api"

  # Have to wait for the API to be created before we can create the usage plan
  depends_on = [local_file.chalice_config]

As you can see, I read dev.json to determine the api_id Terraform needs.如您所见,我阅读了dev.json以确定api_id Terraform 需求。 The problem is that when I run terraform apply , the new safety checks described here notice that the previous value that api_id evaluated to has changed!问题是,当我运行terraform apply这里描述的新安全检查注意到api_id评估的先前值已​​更改!

Provider produced inconsistent final plan: When expanding the plan for aws_api_gateway_usage_plan.api_plan
to include new values learned so far during apply, provider "aws" produced an invalid new value 
for .api_stages[0].api_id: was cty.StringVal("****"), but now cty.StringVal("****").

As that documentation describes, the correct way to solve this error is to specify that during the plan phase this api_id actually has yet to be computed .正如该文档所述,解决此错误的正确方法是在plan阶段指定此api_id实际上尚未computed The problem is I'm not sure how to do this through a Terraform config - the documentation I've referenced is for the writers of the actual Terraform providers.问题是我不确定如何通过 Terraform 配置来做到这一点 - 我引用的文档是为实际 Terraform 提供者的作者准备的。

Looking at issues on GitHub, it seems like setting the initial value to null isn't a reasonable way to do this.查看 GitHub 上的问题,似乎将初始值设置为null不是一种合理的方法。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗? I am considering downgrading to Terraform 0.11 to get around this new safety check, but I was hoping this would be possible in 0.12.我正在考虑降级到 Terraform 0.11 以绕过这项新的安全检查,但我希望这在 0.12 中成为可能。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Okay, after thinking for a while I came up with a silly workaround that enabled me to "trick" Terraform into believing that the value for the api_id was to be computed during the apply phase, thereby disregarding the safety check.好的,经过一段时间的思考,我想出了一个愚蠢的解决方法,它使我能够“欺骗”Terraform 相信api_id的值将在apply阶段计算,从而无视安全检查。

What I did was replace the api_id expression with the following:我所做的是用以下内容替换api_id表达式:

api_id = replace("=${aws_security_group.sg.vpc_id}=${jsondecode(file("files/handler/.chalice/deployed/dev.json")).resources[1].rest_api_id}", "=${aws_security_group.sg.vpc_id}=", "")

Essentially what I am doing is saying that the api_id 's value depends on a computed variable - namely, the vpc_id of a aws_security_group I create named sg .基本上我在做的是说api_id的值取决于一个计算变量 - 即我创建的名为sgvpc_idaws_security_group In doing so, Terraform recognizes this value is to be computed later, so the safety check is ignored.这样做时,Terraform 认识到该值将在以后计算,因此忽略安全检查。

Obviously, I don't actually want to have the vpc_id in here, so I used Terraform's string functions to remove it from the final expression.显然,我实际上并不想在此处使用vpc_id ,因此我使用 Terraform 的字符串函数将其从最终表达式中删除。

This is a pretty hacky workaround, and I'm open to a better solution - just thought I'd share what I have now in case someone else runs into the same issue.这是一个非常棘手的解决方法,我对更好的解决方案持开放态度 - 只是想我会分享我现在拥有的内容,以防其他人遇到同样的问题。


I've got the same error when encoded my user_data scripts (with filebase64 or base64encode ) in places where I add to just simply use file or templatefile :在我添加到仅使用filetemplatefile地方编码我的user_data脚本(使用filebase64base64encode )时,我遇到了同样的错误:

  user_data = file("${path.module}/provisioning_scripts/init_script.sh")

  user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/provisioning_scripts/init_script.tpl", {
    USER  = "my-user"
    GROUP = "my-group"

(*) I can't 100% reproduce it but I'm adding this solution as another possible reason for receiving the mentioned error. (*) 我无法 100% 重现它,但我正在添加此解决方案作为收到上述错误的另一个可能原因。

Read also in here .也在这里阅读。

I was facing the same issue while creating lambda event source mapping.我在创建 lambda 事件源映射时遇到了同样的问题。 I overcome from it running terraform plan and then terraform apply我克服了它运行terraform plan然后terraform apply

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