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npm init 模板如何工作?

[英]how can npm init stencil works?

Can anyone explain me why谁能解释我为什么

npm init stencil

works without install it globally?无需在全球安装即可工作?

I'm used to use library and all should be installed globally so I don't understand why stencil work like that ....我习惯使用库,所有都应该全局安装,所以我不明白为什么模板会这样工作......

stencil is the initializer for the npm init command. stencilnpm init命令的初始化npm init The way the command works is that it utilizes a package with the name create-<initializer> to bootstrap the project.该命令的工作方式是使用名为create-<initializer>来引导项目。

For Stencil that package is https://npmjs.com/create-stencil .对于 Stencil,该包是https://npmjs.com/create-stencil
The source is on Github: https://github.com/ionic-team/create-stencil .来源在 Github: https : //github.com/ionic-team/create-stencil

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